Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

This has been a huge failure and it seems like some of you are trying to defend it, which I find really confusing.

Biden botched the withdrawal. This isn’t hard to say.

Do you have any particular knowledge of a specific failure, or is this just imagining that things could have been better because you don’t like how they are?


I think I read that a bunch of Taliban guarding the airport also got blown up.

We botched a 20 year occupation that never should have happened. Suicide bombings have been happening regularly this whole time, this one on the way out just fits a movie script narrative that people care more about for weird psychological reasons and the media is happy to indulge them.

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It would be if they didn’t accidentally drone a wedding and a hospital on the way to bombing the training camp.

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The Taliban may not be as unified as we typically think of them. A good portion of ISIS-K were Taliban members that thought they weren’t extreme enough. Admittedly, I’m just speculating from 7K miles away.

Guys I’m pretty sure the reports that these attacks were by ISIS cannot be true

To wit:

I do not understand statements like these. Was the US supposed to let Afghanistan stay a safe haven for Al-Qaida to plot, organize and execute terror attacks?

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You don’t get rid of terrorism by bombing Cork, and no one would ever suggest it.


An occupation is not the same as a bombing campaign. I‘d argue the occupation was necessary exactly because you can‘t defeat them by bombing them.

Was Al Qaida supposed to let the US stay a safe haven to plot, organize and execute terror attacks?

I think not


lol Doocy

He did just fine and you’re going to like it, Based Biden finally gets us out of a war. You truly love to see it

I’m sorry, but it’s a terrible look engaging Doocy like this and giving him oxygen.

I don’t know what we were supposed to do, but a 20 year occupation was not it


Same thing goes for occupation. Look how well that’s worked since 1968 in NI.

3,500 deaths plus numerous shootings, beating and knee-cappings in those 20-30 years.

Why do I think we’re gonna go back in before the 2024 election?