Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

They won’t do occupation but they will probably have special force strike teams or some shit.

Honestly what is isis goal here? Get American to continue attack them?

I mean I predicted earlier that there’d be a clandestine stay-behind operation a la Gladio going on but that’s something we probably won’t find out about for decades unless there’s a leak.

But Joe doesn’t seem like a guy who can take being called a coward well.

The tailban offered osama up on a plate and the bush admin said no. If you ever thought the invasion was ever about stopping terrorism in any way I have an NFT of the brooklyn bridge that you can buy.


Lets occupy Pakistan too. I hear they have some terrorist training camps there.

What was the exact offer?

The best I could find was that they were willing to hand him over
a) to an unspecified third country
b) if the US proves he is guilty

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Nuclear weapons.

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Found out my old neighbor’s unit was recently shipped and stationed somewhere in/around Kabul in the last few months but because he’s a master gunner or something he got held back to do training at Knox or some shit.

In a Richard Engle interview a couple days ago, their spokesguy was saying they haven’t seen any evidence of this.

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Not being glib, like literally, that’s exactly their goal.

What is more effective for recruiting terrorists to fight Americans than having Americans kill off the families of recruits?

They can pass the reconciliation bill at 3.5 trillion and it will get zero airplay and 90% of the public won’t have even known it passed

nice to know our officials are absolute morons unless they said let these people through or you don’t make it

I mean, Republicans are going to investigate nonstop if they win the House no matter what Biden does.

I doubt the Taliban need any help making lists.

Pretty much a lock they get the house. Going to be a fun 2 years.

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GOP currently -275 to take the house, lol democrats

Well lets see:

COVID has gone from get everyone vaccinated to end this to no end in sight. By election 2022 will be more than 2.5 years into COVID and in the 8th wave or whatever, this time with kid deaths. Probably will have more COVID deaths under Biden than Trump. Obviously lol GOP much of the blame but media will solemnly talk about these facts

Gonna end extended UI, rent moratorium, loan moratorium. Should help the real economy! Meanwhile rent and housing costs heading to the moon.


Vote more rigged than two years ago.

Market at lol valuations and due for a major correction too.

Already getting close to too late for Breyer to retire.

Could say I’m pretty pessimistic. Better pass a real $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill or it is gonna get real grim. Why would the newly turned out voters go back to the polls, it is all so hopeless and demoralizing.


They’re gonna pass a huge infrastructure + reconciliation bill and still lose. Then we will have 2 years of nothing happening followed by a GOP tidal wave and gg democracy.