Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

Maybe poll numbers will get so bad they actually have to offer people something material like healthcare during a pandemic


If anyone has ever read some of Matty’s less good tweets and wonder why people are like “eh, sometimes he’s good” this is why.


Honestly the barely repressed glee of these media slugs that a terrorist attack happened to help sell their narrative is vomit inducing.

It’s so sickening what the MSM is doing.

And it’s not just America. Czech media has been firing off the same stories over the last week about things falling apart and Biden being blamed. Here it’s more focused on subtle Islamophobia and anti-refugee sentiment though.

Biden has been an unrepentant piece of shit his entire career and faced nothing but plaudits and career advancement. He does one unambiguously good thing, a once in a political lifetime level of positive for the world and he’s getting torn to shreds over it. I mean what does that tell you about the incentive structure for politicians.


This is a very good take. Absolutely stealing this. Actually @bestof.


90% of yggy’s “bad takes” are obvious trolls that shitlibs are oblivious to, 10% of them are truly bad, but the thing is, all his bad ones are about basically inconsequential things (he admits to shitposting) but when the chips are down he is pretty dang consistently on-target


Also the kind of people who actually pay for substack subscriptions (lol) crave shitposting. Bari fucking Weiss makes $70k a month on substack.

Iggy is a classic stopped clock that’s right once in a while. Being a contrarian-bro means his lazy trolling takes are sometimes going to be right when the MSM is completely wrong. He didn’t just wake up this morning and decide to suddenly decide to be a Good Poster.

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I don’t watch American MSM. Is the general consensus that withdrawal was good but poorly executed? Or that withdrawal was a terrible idea and that we should’ve stayed there?

I thought this did a good job of summarizing MSM position and that of the talking heads they bring on.


Basically, what America has failed to do for the last 19-20 years and would continue to fail to do if the military wasn’t pulled out.

Pulling out from an impossible to accomplish mission took courage and Biden is being penalized for it. Obama and Trump both knew that pulling out was right but didn’t have the guts to do it. They preferred to protect their legacy at the expense of American soldiers and Afghan civilians.

If Biden had big enough balls, he’d go full left-wing and fall on his sword. I mean Afghanistan has probably sunk him for reelection as it is. So going out swinging for left-wing policies would basically make him a legend.

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Pretty easy to find this kind of take from people who don’t defend sweatshops or the trail of tears. Not seeing anything more special here than a broken clock

Biden doesn’t believe in left wing policies, he’s a shitlib to the core. He will just follow whatever way the wind blows, and its probably blowing further right now to appease the suburban voters.

Honestly I don’t think Biden did this because he had courage, he did it as a political calculation that blew up in his face. Prior to this the vast majority of people wanted us to withdraw, we saw dems painted as war mongering " forever war " people, and he probably thought he was protected from getting hammered from the right because Trump set up the withdrawl. Boy was he wrong.

Still he did the right thing, but not because courage, he thought it would be a good political move. Look at the rest of his presidency? His entire policy has been not to rock the boat, not to make waves and not piss anyone off.

Honestly it was a good political move, but the media pulled an uno reverse card, and all the top military brass lied to him that the ANA would hold for awhile. He just kinda ran bad here and also underestimated how deeply embedded the media is in pro american empire shit.

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Btw Trumper dads take is pretty awesome. Says Americans have known forever we were withdrawing and should have gotten out awhile ago and they have no right to complain and should be at the back of the list. He says the first people we should be getting out is ALL the afghans who helped us, because we promised them.

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…as long as we don’t let any of em stay here, right?

Nope they can stay if they pass the background checks. I’m shocked, but he is in the top like 5-10% of trumpers and will give ground occasionally. For balance though I’m pretty sure he thinks we should nuke the Palestinians

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That the media would fight Biden on this and drop his poll numbers was not a surprise. Trump wanted those troops out probably from Day 1. There’s a reason he didn’t do it, and set a withdraw date for after the election. It was always going to be bad politics. I think Biden acted out of sincere desire, but likely underestimated just how bad the fallout would be.


not only is it the latter, but they are rolling out all of the fucking ghouls who architected the failed strategy to come on TV and talk about how terrible Biden is and how their plan was working and should be continued in perpetuity

Yeah it was actually a smart political move to officially grab credit for planning the withdrawal while making your likely successor have to actually go through with it (meaning Trump likely had nothing to do with planning it lol, I mean in his mind he was 99% to get re-elected right to the very end anyway).

If you’re Biden you either finish ripping off the band-aid like you did and get crucified when shit goes sideways, or you let the GOP continue to paint your party as the real warmongers in this world where the far right is now sorta kinda isolationist (but also thinks we should budget eleventy zillion dollars on defense just in case).