Henry Kissinger: Finally fuckin dead

Ironic coming from Mr. Vidal, considering that’s almost certainly his own final destination.

I don’t know, if someone hates Buckley then they can’t be all bad.

One of the things the Napoleon movie gets right is that Robespierre was adamant about this. Small price to pay, etc.



This post is pure insanity. Trumps not evil?!?! Lololol wtf. You been asleep for 9 years? He has easily done far more damage than Kissinger. It’s not even close.

He would have installed nationalize health care if that meant people cheered for him

He only cares about himself.

Dudes like Cheney are actually evil.

Sure his actions have caused harm it’s just different.

Who cares why? I care about effect.

I don’t think that’s true. Kissinger was as bad as they come. Trump didn’t maximize his potential harm.

He is not done and the long term of effects of him are far worse than Kissinger.

Even just raw death numbers I am not sure Trump loses if we include Covid.

I agree with this. But he’d also commit a 100 genocides if it meant he somehow benefitted too

Trump is also pure evil, just in a different way and possibly for different reasons. No moral compass is no moral compass

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Siding with runout here. Maybe Trump did worse within America but Kissinger did way worse on an international scale.

Trump could’ve been way worse if he wasn’t so lazy.

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I don’t think evil is measured by span or volume. What about someone who kidnaps a little kid and spends the next 10 years torturing them in their basement until they die from neglect because they get off on it? Is such a person less evil than Hitler simply because they weren’t as ambitious or productive? Maybe there’s no one correct objective answer, but I’d send them to the same place in hell if one existed

We have two lists because obviously good/evil is binary. Duh.

Seriously, evil is evil regardless of scope. Certainly if one wanted to rank them, then someone that causes the suffering and death of millions would be ranked “higher” for the purposes of discussion.

Kissinger is orders of magnitude worse than Trump, it is not even close.


Daily show Kissinger v Cheney


Your pony is deader than Henry Kissinger.


But is his pony more evil than Donald Trump?

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I am habitually late, it is true, but eventually a man of my word.

Fucking burn in hell, Henry.


Congenital heart failure. I’m surprised to learn that he had a heart.

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Damn it. If it was self-immolation I would have swept the office pool.