About Moderation

What if everyone isn’t better than this?

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Apparently …

A massive amount of thinking, like truly stupendous amount of thinking, has gone into sex. Without purpose–without procreation, without procreation. Which is actually quite a silly action in the absence of procreation. It’s a bit silly. So why are you doing it? Because it makes the limbic system happy, that’s why. But its’ pretty absurd really… But I mean, a lot of computation has gone into, “How can I do more of that?” without procreation even being a factor.

Elon Musk

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The more I hear about this Elon Musk guy, the more I think he’s a real jerk.



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poetry, bro

what does the manifesto say?


I just want to clarify for the record that @Churchill and anyone else making this claim are being dishonest. Churchill did not edit the post 2 minutes after he posted it. I edited it 10 minutes after he posted it. Had a moderator not changed it, there’s no reason to think Churchill would have.

After reading this previously I was confused, as it didn’t match my memory. So I checked the logs and confirmed the timeline and who edited it in the interest of clarity.


That post is from this thread, I’m not sure why you’d need to screenshot it except to get in yet another creepy reference to posting CW’s initials.

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Yeah you could actually see my initials in the screenshot, he didn’t block them out at first, then removed it and re-uploaded it using non-opaque black so it was still visible. I gave him 2 weeks again, feel free to adjust down or up as you see fit since it involved me.

What in the actual fuck.

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So, just to be clear, in the span of the past hour we have Jbro implicitly threatening someone via pm, insulting that user’s appearance and intelligence via pm, and then hurling invectives at the moderator who lowered his trust level so he couldn’t pm anymore for this conduct, also by pm. Then we have Churchill once again trying to sneakily throw someone’s IRL initials into a post. But the problem here is the “moderators.”

2 letters that are in no way identifying - and some wonder why others can’t take this seriously.

Day 12 of the new regime.

More silencings
More bans

Going well?

How does this utter shitfest play out in the mind of its creator?

All targets on 4/8/16 week bans, as good as permas.

Then what?

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Lol. Posters abuse members of the forum, including via pm threats, and get banned.

Jalfrezi: “Look at all these bannings, it is the moderators that are the problem!”

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… and to add - I remember a time when those initials were used to refer to another user - do we now have to type that out in full or will context be taken into account?

Moderator edit: I edited this to remove another user’s username, which gives away my initials. - commonWealth

You need to look a little deeper than that, sunshine.

You deem this conduct by Jbro to be appropriate? Got it. And I’m not your sunshine, mate.

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If you guys are going to keep trolling about initials, you should shop this and go out in style

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This is a warning, no matter how cute you are about it, you do not get to reveal my initials.

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I appreciate your willingness to admit those pm’s are a big problem. Some of your compatriots who are not are telling on themselves. The fact that some users are doing things like sending those pm’s are evidence IMO that CW’s stronger moderation tactics are necessary. I appreciate Econophile’s service, but we’re now 3 years into this and nothing else has worked yet so it seems like giving CW a chance here makes sense. Based on your posting earlier I’m not sure you and I really disagree on this point. Finally, plenty of people on both sides of this “argument” (including me) are catching warnings and bans, so it seems pretty unbiased to me.