About Moderation

Maybe everyone gets a clean slate when it comes to the new policy on old drama, but no one gets a clean slate on trolling in general.

But what if the old drama was trolling? It’s enough to make one’s head spin

I gave a warning to tesla, who afaik has rarely if ever been involved in drama. Everyone is on the same level here as far as clean slates go.

Other mods are free to do as they wish because they’ve already been modding and I’m not their boss. I’m granting warnings first since I just stepped into the role.

Not about that, I actually think calling someone a dick is fine 🤷

Well, someone didn’t. It was flagged so I addressed it.

Balanced modding in action (colour me impressed).

I’m liking the cut of this largely unknown commonwealth’s jib!

Moderator edit: removed my initials from the post, this was a reference to doxxing me

When are you stepping out of the role, even if only briefly?

Got any more trips to the store coming?

What should moderators do when they’re notified a post was flagged since apparently even acknowledging one makes a mod biased?

Here I’ll just quote it so you can stop being an ass

This post was flagged (not by goofy). Don’t turn the flag system into a trolling mechanism please.

I’m assuming this is a personal attack unless CW has lots of shopping TRs I’m unaware of.

EDIT: Wrong assumption.

Apology accepted

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So you do acknowledge a continuity of forum membership (and ownership) despite name changes



@anon38180840 Since the poll thread was locked, I’ll say it here. I think you should quote offending posts that lead to warnings because these will be punished in the future with bans. You can redact anything that is too offensive to quote, just as you can in churchill’s post.

I do not think this is some onerous request that makes modding difficult. I believe it is valuable to have this information in one thread for the sake of transparency and to establish a record of precedents for the forum’s common law.


As far as I know, there’s no precedent for even logging warnings as a norm, let alone quoting the offending post. If you can find one, let me know and I’ll start quoting them. Otherwise you can make a poll if you want the forum to vote on it. I don’t think it’s that important, for two reasons:

  1. Everyone getting warned knows what they’re getting warned for because I’m responding to it.

  2. Since I’m responding in thread, anyone who’s curious could search my posts for the word “warning” and find it easily.

It’s already extra work to be a mod and we’re all doing it to try to make the forum experience better for the community at large, I don’t think quoting warnings adds much value and it’s just a few extra steps of unnecessary work.

Should moderators quote offending text in the log when issuing warnings for bringing up old drama?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t know

0 voters

@anon38180840 I’m in agreement with @NotBruceZ in that I think a different mod should be moderating it

I think Churchill’s two week ban for citing your real initials once was too long for an offence which was nothing more than repeating in a highly abbreviated form information you yourself have already put into the public domain.

It’s clear that you’re letting your personal feelings towards a particular poster colour your judgment, and are using and abusing your position as mod to over protect yourself, possibly because you may run for public office at some point in the future.

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I never said the ban was too long. I agreed that it was better for someone not involved to determine the punishment.

Ok. Edited my post.

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