About Moderation

Yes. Whether it’s comparable to gendered/racial slurs is a question I’m not remotely qualified to opine on.

I think it’s OK to say that gendered or racial slurs are worse than tankie and shitlib. At least tankie or shitlib are oriented towards a personal belief whereas calling someone a pussy or a ■■■■ * is based on the idea that being female or feminine is inherently negative

*I think it’s also OK to point out that ■■■■ is not necessarily a gendered insult in non-US countries

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Tankie as insult will always be way more funny than problematic when it is coming from people who favor invasions to spread ideology, towards people making anti-war points


You gotta at least admit it’s a bit more apt than normal when literal Russian tanks are cruising around the countryside.


It’s not an invasion to send arms to people to defend themselves, and it’s not anti-war to oppose stopping one.

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Keed was bravely willing to sacrifice Ukrainian freedoms and lives so that he felt a little safer. He wasn’t anti-war.


You named yourself “voteforsocialists” but you don’t support Evo Morales. No one should take you seriously


evo morales was fine until he went and tried to eliminate term limits on himself. that’s authoritarian AF.

footnote: i know AF is outdated internet speak, it was hot at the time evo tried to do it. i am using it here as a device of how long ago evo morales stopped being fine to support.

Pete Buttigieg is a sick little freak that would deny the resources of the rich United States to sick people by using GOP talking points. He also has a resource map of Afghanistan on his wall at home, a clear sign of being a bloodthirsty little tool of US empire. Nothing personal, but he is a tumor that needs to be excused from politics.


Excised is the word you’re looking for

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He needs to be excused from the cabinet

I was going to say that, but excused does actually work as well.

Not in the context of the sentence. Tumors are excised. People are excused. AQ’s usage is correct.

There is no better way to express kindness than the American Military Threat.

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Oops. Did I say American Military Threat? I meant to say American Peacekeeping Forces.


are you having trouble telling american military threat from american peacekeeping forces?

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Oh good Lord, it’s not like that. It was mostly a Vietnam joke. I am a huge advocate of giving Ukraine what it needs to beat back imperialism.

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I can think of some who would make this mistake.

I don’t