About Moderation

oh - and that didn’t answer my question …

Daddy still dressing up as Santa the year after his kids told him they know it’s him.

Hi Jalfrezi. Still waiting to hear whether you think your friend Jbro’s conduct in the past 1.5 hours is acceptable.

Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

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Would mods consider using a staff notice when editing a post? It would make it less confusing and users can edit out a mod note added within a post, I believe.

To be very clear, when I was modded I PM’d the other mods and explained my plan. All either said they liked it, supported it, and/or would allow it to play out without interfering as long as it was implemented fairly.

So we had unanimous consent on trying that plan, even from those who didn’t love it.

Do you know how this is done?

Even if it doesn’t matter that much (and I would argue that every little bit of info helps if you are researching someone), it’s obvious that doing so will be punish, so obvious that any member of the forum’s drama club should be assumed to be doing it in order to provoke a response.

Should have just liked the post you fool


I will try it on the last post I edited and see how it works, looks like it should be easy enough to do going forward.

Edit: Yeah it’s easy enough, I’ll do my best to remember to use that feature when editing posts.

@anon38180840 In general I have been supportive of your approach to modding and I wish you luck with it.

Having said that, I don’t think the post above warrants an extension of @MaxCut’s ban.


This has to be the only forum on the internet where you can send mods abusive pms and publicly post their personal info and not get ip banned.

No wonder the trolls love it here.


Boredsocial for mod.


The person in question has Streisanded himself with all the bans handed out.



Always classy to blame the target for their own abuse while you buddy up with the people dishing it out.

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Always intellectually honest to call a WSOP bracelet winner who appeared on TV and streamed his play with the help of a member of this forum the “target” while you pretend to be outraged.


I’m sorry, how on Earth does this justify doxxing and harassing a user?

Moderation has been shit for years; it’s at the point now where a group of organized posters that includes Jalfrezi isn’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re here to abuse and doxx people and make the experience miserable for everyone.


I can at least look up in this thread and see that is far from the extent of what is being doled out while you are here pretending it is limited to what you say. But even if it were, no, it’s not OK to go around addressing someone by a name they do not wish to use. It’s just basic human decency 101 to call people as they wish to be called, and you don’t get to deny someone that dignity just because you saw them using a different name in a different context.