Log of Key Moderator Actions

Suspended @Churchill 2 weeks for posting my initials again.

This time in a screenshot of his original post, which he deleted after I removed the offending screenshot and while I was clicking the buttons to suspend him.


Warned @StrontiumDog for making a post that indirected revealed my initials.

Suspended @MaxCut for four days for a personal attack (co-signing telling otatop “Fuck yourself you fascist pig.”)


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Suspended @MaxCutAlt forever for circumventing his ban, and adding 1 week to the 4-day ban of @MaxCut for circumventing it.

Silenced @boredsocial for 1 day for referencing old drama (referring to a group as “captains” and referencing their leaked PM thread).


Silenced @Trolly for 1 day for either a personal attack or referencing old drama, depending on how you view it. I considered it a personal attack and edited it out of this post:

It previously said:

“Jalfreizi’s organized trolling brigade”

instead of

“a group of organized posters that includes Jalfrezi”


2 days off for @cassette trolling AM.


Permanently suspended @dadbud which is @cassette circumventing his ban. Adding 4 days to his ban, as well, for circumventing it.


Suspended @MaxCutAntifa forever for circumventing his ban again, adding 2 weeks to the previous suspension of @MaxCut for circumventing it/personal attacks:


Edit on 11/29: Suspended @MaxCutNoMalarkey forever for circumventing his ban again. Granting some leniency this time since there were no personal attacks with it and his main account is already suspended until 12/22 as the result of six incidents of personal attacks/trolling/old drama and four ban circumventions (@MaxCutGimmick @MaxCutAlt @MaxCutAntifa @MaxCutNoMalarkey) and I am really hoping he will knock it off with the ban circumvention and personal attacks and return on 12/22 without further incident. Edit, 12/1: Deleted another new account circumventing the ban. Edit, 12/2: Deleted another new account circumventing the ban.

Edit, 12/3: Suspended another one forever for circumventing. Choosing to be charitable and not taking any additional action on now the 7th circumvention of this ban. Edit, 12/3 again: Suspended another one forever, registered a new one to PM me to complain about the previous one. Again, charitably not extending the original suspension but warned him that enough was enough. Edit, 12/3 again: Alright, enough’s enough. Permanently suspended @MaxCut_4thAmendment. He’s now circumvented the ban nine times, most to stir up more drama. I gave him four or five freebies but this can’t go on forever, and this is the third time today. Adding one month to the original suspension.

Edit, 12/4: Deleted new user @MaxCutLikes and blocked his IP, as he created 3 new usernames in the last 32 minutes on top of his previous 9? 10? circumventions and a couple other accounts he created in the last few days but didn’t use. I’ll undo the IP ban when his normal ban subsides.

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Warnings issued to @Riverman and @WichitaDM for some personal attacks/abusive posting in the Crapto thread.

Suspended @6ix two weeks for another personal attack.


Silenced @T7split and @RonFromSanDiego for two weeks as obvious sock puppets/gimmicks here to cause drama. No way a new user is going directly/almost directly to About Moderation.

I plan to permanently suspend them after the two weeks, just leaving it at two weeks for now on the off chance that we somehow got a new user who’s immediately interested in the inner workings of the About Moderation thread and wants to argue their case.

Edit 12/2: Deleted @RonFromSanDiegoReads after he posted in About Moderation to complain about being silenced.

Edit 12/2: Deleted @ColonelRonaffi for being a brand new obvious gimmick only here to troll.

Edit 12/3: Suspended another RonFromSomewhere account as a brand new obvious gimmick only here to troll about old drama.

Edit 12/3: Suspended @RonFromMunchen forever as a brand new obvious gimmick only here to troll about old drama.

Edit 12/3: Suspended @RonaldoFromJuarez forever, ditto.

Next time I’m taking all the Ron gimmicks.

Edit 12/3: Suspended @RonFromPhoenix forever, ditto. Not doing this one by one so @RonFromSanDiego @RahnFromBonn @ComradeRon @RonFromHell are permanently suspended as well.


Suspended @j8i3h289dn3x7 one day for personal attacks:


Permanently suspended GolfThreadPoster for impersonating another user.


Warned @FuncrusherPlus for a personal attack.

Permanently suspended @CNsBuddy for being an obvious gimmick here to disrupt (by signing up and immediately flagging ~10 posts as their first action).

Set @Jalfrezi to TL0 so he can’t flag posts. I’ll restore this in two weeks if he asks (can’t set it on a timer as far as I know).

Warned @AngryQueer for bringing up moderation arguments outside the About Moderation thread.

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Permanently banned @Forechecker for creating multiple sockpuppet accounts impersonating other users.


Adding to this, @Forechecker (ctyri) made the following 20 accounts over a period of four days:

Attemtped to Impersonate Other Users (6):
@j8i3h289dn3x7reading (obv)
@GolfThreadPoster (jmakin)
@18holer (jmakin)
@econophilesghost (obv)
@CNsBuddy (vague)
@otamot (obv, probably more to troll him than impersonate him)

Attempted to Pass Off as New Unique Users Via PM With a Moderator (To get voting rights?):
@LarryJerry (Registered this as Cuepee, so also impersonating a 2p2 user who is not a user here afaik)

The Rons (8)

Random (4)