About Moderation

You’ll be missed. Hope you reconsider.


Looks like the Thanksgiving Yamnesty program (man I wish I thought of that yesterday) ended a little early. Hope everyone enjoyed it. We are now back to your regularly scheduled modding.



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This reply to Jman was in the context of some of the hasty bans yesterday. Jmakin’s post was also on topic and should have fallen under the thanksgiving yamnesty.

“I needed to bring up/troll about drama from years ago because it supports my argument about this other narrow issue we are discussing.” Except, no, the other issue from years ago that was brought up was just backdoored in to get a rise.

It looks like the posts by Jalfrezi and jmakin were both part of a discussion that I invited users to have about audit_the_audit’s ban. To encourage open discussion, I offered an exemption from the “old drama” rule. I will discuss with commonwealth.

If you’re talking about Jal’s post, he was showing precedent. There’s no way to do that without bringing up the past. Is there a fancy legal term for ignoring obvious things like that. De industria obtusis?

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OK guys, I think you’ve both made your points. No need to get nasty.

Perhaps you’re missing some context, because my post wasn’t actually nasty, it was light-hearted

The he accused Jal of trolling for using past examples.

edit to add: I know this seems like over-sensitive nitpicking about the post you made, and I would normally agree. The reason I push back against “nasty” is that there is a mod running around banning people with exponentially increasing durations for things like being nasty.

Well it’s about time.


Per my note in the mod log, Jalfrezi and jmakin are unsuspended. I did this to honor my statement that discussion of audit_the_audit’s ban would be safe from “old drama” infractions. That discussion has run its course, and, as I have stated previously, anyone is free to start a poll if they would like to overturn it.

This decision is not an invitation to resurrect old drama in other contexts.

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I have 6 days of bans i’ve eaten through in like a day and a half, will my ban timer go down accordingly? will my next one be 8 days?

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Yes, I did not overturn any bans or agree with the overturning of your (jmakin) or Jalfrezi’s bans that occurred this morning. So as far as my policy goes your next one will be 8 days 1 week (cause it’s easier to just switch to weeks instead of continuing 1-2-4-8-16). But I’d encourage you (and everyone) to avoid old drama, personal attacks, etc and avoid any additional bans.


You agreed with the Thanksgiving amnesty

I meant the overturned bans today. I’ll edit.

Thanks for clarifying

(post deleted by author)

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It is ridiculous to claim those overturned bans were justified and still count them in your unilateral decision to increase ban lengths exponentially.


He was reaching for a gun!


Banning Hokie for a post he deleted within like a minute is a stretch. I mean Hokie of all people. Does that not even give you pause before unholstering your weapon? He signaled that he was bowing out. That means less drama (in the minds of those who hate conversations in this topic). You banning him made it worse, again.