About Moderation

It’s actually pretty commonly accepted that Sidney & Beatrice Webb (the authors of the book that quote comes from) made the thing up out of whole cloth. Even the authors themselves used the weaselword explanation: “Lenin is said to have once observed that…” with no actual quotation or citation.


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Otatop, that was an impressive performance you gave by ridiculously hiding a bunch of perfectly acceptable posts. I’m admittedly making an assumption here, since you didn’t log anything, but I feel confident enough it wasn’t the other active mods.

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This is idiotic.

like, econo reversing the bans made little sense to me but whatever. I took his post at face value and didn’t feel like I really got out of line, but since I’m an adult, I took my ban(s) in stride.

however, I don’t even know where the line is now - like I’d like to address a few posts that contained utter falsehoods directed towards me, but I sense the Flag Brigade and their jolly mod friends will be all over that and I’ll eat an 8 day ban or something.

get your shit together, this is embarrassing

like @Lurker21 is clearly some regs alt.

You lasted 3 whole weeks before coming back to troll us, congrats and welcome back!

I don’t like your post, but I support your act of civil disobedience against commonWealth’s onerous old-drama exponential ban rule. Solidarity!

eta: This is NOT sarcasm.

instead of exponential, can we do fibonacci instead?

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I never banned you and barely interacted with you yet you somehow keep provoking me for no reason. Unless you decided that @anon38180840 who actually banned you is the friend of the “flag brigade” (i’ll happily offer a hu4flagz if anyone wants to see a full count).

get over yourself, my post doesn’t even mention you

there are 4 active mods. You mentioned their “jolly mod friends”. not sure where you think this will get you, but cut it out.

what rule am I breaking now?

like, it’s such a huge tell you’re taking issue with every tiny thing i say and not the multitude of personal attacks leveraged against me, but w/e

like maxcut and i actually agree on some things here but he’s basically been doing nothing but criticizing mod decisions in here, why are you not making similar posts at him? hm.

personal attack, dredging up old drama, being nasty. there are so many to choose from

what attack? what drama? I’m bringing up an issue with moderation here like others are doing. is this not the appropriate place?

Honestly, no. Legitimate grievances with moderation policy should probably be discussed via pm, this is more of a containment thread for the neverending poo flinging.


Because you are not criticizing any decision i made, as i have taken zero actions against you. You are trolling me

I have brought issues to pm recently with the mods here and it was absolutely not productive.

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Nothing you post here is going to be productive either.

I view the staff as a team. is this not the case? am I to consider all your actions separately and walk all your arbitrary lines simultaneously? just want some clarity. I also didn’t attack you or even mention you.

your posts are scattered and beyond ponderous and there’s no point in getting into, except to ask who you meant by “jolly mod friends” here?

put a name on it if your taking issue with moderation