About Moderation

What can I say? You can’t always expect your complaints to be well received.

I don’t know who it is. I’m making some guesses here. my post was directed at all of them. yuv, however, for some reason thinks it was only at him.

no one believes this

Correct, it’s not the case. Each mods according to their own style. Treat UP as a collection of different countries with different laws but where you have no idea which country you’re in at any point. lol


what? I think CW’s bans on me were absurd and idiotic. I have literally no idea wtf you’re talking about. I’ve not complained about it because I find it childish. I’d just like some clarity because I have seriously no idea where the line is anymore, and y’all are contradicting each other, which is what prompted my post - which was clearly at all of them. Maybe I didn’t state it clearly enough. if i didn’t, I apologize. In the future I will avoid blanket statements and @ each person I am talking to individually to avoid any such travesties in the future.

Definitely avoid “you guys” in any way shape or form.

Honestly though, I think it might be the whole Fibonacci is exponential thing. Talk about grinding some gears.

All of the mods have different agendas and rules, viewing them as a team doesn’t make sense imo

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If your ban gets cut short, you should take the W imo


of course it does. a rogue mod could just sit there and veto/overturn every moderation decision if they wanted.

what a mess this place is.


Should we do mod power rankings? It’s new drama so it’s ok


it is not a W. I accepted my ban because I assumed there wouldn’t be any fuckery. now I legit have no clue what I am allowed to even respond to, and I was attempting to find some clarity. I see now that was futile, thank you for volunteering, I do appreciate your guys’ work.

Laws in 36 states and on the federal books provide money to exonerees, according to the exonerations registry.

Ding Ding DIng, we have a winner.

Ding Dong, no we don’t.


If someone brought up something that you think is “old drama,” outside of the confines of the discussion of audit_the_audit’s ban, then I would suggest that you flag them rather than respond to them with a new post.


ok, that’s fair, in the future then I’d suggest people don’t read each and every post of mine as if i always have the worst intentions. it’s quite exhausting and I already had to walk on eggshells before all of this.


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If true, this seems excessive. Can someone also be banned if they write something they immediately regretted and edited out of their post?

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Yes, I got 2 weeks for it (see mod thread where ban was made long after edit)

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I have seen sooooo many times people take shots at me or others then shortly after delete the post when they know it reached their intended audience. why do you think I knew to take a screenshot?

some trust levels can also see the edits as well, I believe, so even when it’s deleted it isn’t really deleted. it also stays there forever even if it’s eventually hidden, iirc.

This is why I wanted all posts that drew warnings to be quoted in the log, so people could have a clear record which would give them a sense of where the line is.

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