About Moderation

Not with your attitude.

On the other hand, I’ve had several productive conversations.

It was just recently brought to my attention that this thread even exists to talk about these things

The only time I’ve ever lodged a complaint was when I got warned and the person who started the insults got nothing. Don’t think I’ve ever been banned, but I don’t visit here enough to know for sure

I prefer civil discourse. I think it’s necessary to be sometimes brutally tough on beliefs and ideas, but I like to think I’m capable of discussing any topic without resorting to personal insults. That said, it doesn’t bother me if someone wants put me down on a personal level. My biggest issue is when someone insults me, I respond in kind, and then I get into trouble with the mods while they don’t. Just keep it fair and don’t play favorites imo


we need more people with this attitude

If there’s ever a chronic abuser, they can be identified and then have their deleted posts moderated according too the rules or whims of whichever jolly mod.

I’ll go!

I’m not entirely sure who the mods are but I think they are Sven0, Cuse, Econo and Yuv.

  1. Sven0 - no brainer. Logs in once every few months to troll, doesn’t do any moderation at all. 10/10 perfect, ideal mod.

  2. Yuv - thoughtful guy, doesn’t suffer fools. Does occasionally do some moderation which is a definite knock. 7/10

  3. Econophile - another sharp guy. Seems to be well intentioned. Moderates a lot. Too much. Probably not a villain, just misguided. 5/10

  4. Cuse - oh baby what is you doing. The exact wrong type of personality for the job. Does anyone disagree with my assessment that this fella loves pressing the punishment button? I’m second hand embarrassed. Imagine banning Hokie, it’s insane. 2/10 - two points awarded because he does seem to be at least attempting to maintain a veneer of impartiality and because he doesn’t live in a hotel.


how are they gonna be identified when they’re deleting their posts?

I assume the posts are identified, otherwise they’re never getting modded either way.

Crunchyblack for mod!

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Need scores, go to multiple decimals if necessary

Hear hear!

You just said this upthread in regards to me:

You might be surprised to know that what Cactus is saying in his post is the basis for the vast majority of the complaints I make here. And it’s certainly not only me.

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Insults aren’t fungible. Direct insults that include name-calling and profanity are routinely punished. People who understand where the line is on that usually don’t get in trouble. Some people get dinged often because they seem to post as if they think that line is stupid and are intentionally crossing it in protest.

Thanks for sharing your views. The moderation standards should be applied consistently, so let us know when that isn’t happening.


I don’t know if he loves it, but I disagree if you are saying he is motivated mainly by wanting to punish people. I think he has a firm idea of what he thinks is wrong with the forum and how to fix it.

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I want to add to this because I often miss a relatively simple yet ultimately important part of the issue, the issue which I implied was pretty fully captured by Cactus’ post.

Fair (impartial) and reasonable modding has been my major complaint, but ultimately that fairness is an idealism that will never be fully realized under real-world circumstance. Any situation where some have power over others is almost certainly destined to be unfair.

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to be fair it is an extremely tiny amount of power.

+1 to Free Hokie. He made a bad post, and immediately regretted it and deleted. He’s not a shit stirrer. Not worth potentially losing someone who’s a great poster 99+% of the time.


And yet you and I have both posted about it’s unfairness.

But yeah, it’s nothing to get very worked up over. I don’t consider expressing that opinion here getting worked up, but several seem to think it is.

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This isn’t directed at you only but this is so easy to solve.

  1. never post itt, ever
  2. never respond to “a captains” post ever
  3. never discuss any forum issues older than a month.

Problem solved.

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We can argue about what is reasonable, but I want transparent and predictable modding.

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I agree on those and would add something like “unintrusive modding” with wording to capture that less is better and that not stifling conversations should be prioritized. Banning people is like the ultimate conversation stifle, so you can see where I’m going with this.