About Moderation

If we don’t let bad-faith homophobic bigots overrun this forum, the conservatives will have won!


I’m pretty much grunching but as wookie and PVN and others have said, the quoted part is wrong. The main way we win this election is by getting people who already agree with us but who seldom or never vote to get off their butts and vote. Many of these potential voters are unregistered. The election will probably be decided by like a quarter million of these low-propensity voters spread out over five states. For democrats these voters are largely black folks in general and black women in particular, and also white suburban women. The issue that gets them to vote the hardest is abortion.

Undecided swing voters exist but no matter what the nyt op-eds keep bitching about they’re not as important as low-propensity voters. It’s way easier & cheaper to convince someone who agrees with you to vote than it is to change someone’s mind who is “convertible.” It’s more durable too. For now this is the best way to build each election cycle.


I was in this group as well but after his silencing expired he came back hot with “Sheila Jackson Lee belongs in the terrible people who died thread” and “This place is just a safe space for emotionally fragile and feeble-minded digruntled Lefties” and I felt like that kind of posting outweighed the ~5% of his posts that added anything to a discussion. Basically I agree with the idea that if he could cut out the shitty trolling he’d be fine but he didn’t seem inclined to do so.


You’re right we’ve just been doing so much winning lately, no need for any reflection.

I don’t gaf about lagtight and mostly I wish people would just leave trolls be, but the main reason I’m fine if lagtight eats a perma is because he needles particular posters in specific hateful ways. He 100% knows what he’s doing. Out of respect for the posters I’m not gonna elaborate, lagtight’s internet persona isn’t worth it


I love the idea that there are a bunch of good-faith conservative posters ready to join UP as soon as they see that lagtite is treated fairly. Let’s be careful here! LOL


So true.

I was one of the 52 who had him on ignore because I feel that engaging with trolls is a waste of time and serves to retroactively justify their existence in places where they are not welcomed.

I have no qualms with a perma for RAIDS. I’m sure he’ll come back again when he’s bored and wants to rile up the same people who keep responding to his many aliases.

Ok but first of all it’s both. Something like 5-10% of voters went Obama ----> Trump and a similar number went from Trump ----> Biden. That’s a significant amount of people that can be swayed.

And second of all, when you talk to those kinds of politically apathetic people you’re referring to, they will also have arguments that sound like “bad-faith”, “JAQs”, “trolling.” You have to be willing and able to engage.

I agree that abortion is likely the best place to attack for both of these groups.

Sure - and lagtight was allowed pretty wide lattitude to troll and JAQ-off. It was only when he really pushed it (making a trans joke about Kamala) and then this level of JAQ-ing off that he got banned:

I debated giving a perma for the trans joke, but decided to give him a second shot, which he then showed no signs of change.


I just am a flawed human who needs someone to abuse and I’d rather it be lagtight than the next person in line.


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What? I don’t like lagtight and I’m glad he’s gone

I sent him some stills of hardcore gay porn in a PM disguised as continuing conversation from a thread


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