About Moderation

Come on. This is silly and you know it.

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100% this

I don’t know if you’re exaggerating, but this isn’t healthy thinking if you actually believe it. It’s not at all true.

Had he said there is nothing in MAGA that isn’t trolling that would be a fair statement.

I’m not sure if I’d even agree with that. Maybe in the world of extremely online MAGA people, yeah. Regardless, I don’t think it’s a healthy mindset. It stinks of overly base tribalism and the type of dehumanizing generalizations that don’t benefit anyone.

He’s not joking, that’s basically how he modded the old forum.

Very smart centrists: “Horseshoe theory ITT”

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Today I learned that UP is the “global town square”


Can you list some conservative views in a way that isn’t trolling? I’m not trying to set you up, I’m probably stuck in the view that all conservatives want are liberal tears and that cruelty is the point in their policies and wouldn’t mind hearing them without that baggage.

Many conservatives legitimately believe abortion is murder and that sex should only be for procreation within marriage. I think it’s dumb and wrong to legislate those views forcing other people to conform to them, but they are earnest in their beliefs.

Plenty of conservatives genuinely believe government is wasteful and that society is better off when its “interference” in people’s lives is minimized. Again, I think this is dumb and at times ignorant, but they aren’t trolling.


It’s this

Day one that dude came in and made this place unreadable

He isn’t adding any value here

If he had some good posts even though we don’t share the same values. That would be different.


What’s the difference between “right wing” and “MAGA?”

Joe Biden vs Donald Trump


Power comes from winning elections. Winning elections comes from receiving more votes than the other guy. Receiving more votes comes from convincing the small subset of people that are convertible in this election, and building on that with each election cycle. What is the mechanism that you are proposing that doesn’t involve using your words and spreading your message to more and more people?

Why would I not think I can win an argument against a conservative? I argue with conservatives all the time. My stances are correct and should be easy to express. If they’re not that’s a me problem. The winning issues for the left in recent decades - abortion, gay marriage, medicare for all - have clear and unassailable rhetoric. “You guys are weird for obsessing so much about genitals and women’s bodies” has been a recent banger that’s moving the needle. We need more of this.

If lagtight is tilting you so much that you can’t successfully dunk on him/ counter his points/make him look bad on your own home turf, you have no chance out there in the arena.

Step one, not wasting time with internet trolls who are definitely not:

I don’t think lagtight’s posts were banworthy. There were a few opportunities to discuss things but he backed away from the conversation and decided to JAQ off or post his “oh this is such a safe space” shit. If he cut that out I wouldn’t mind him being around but I guess I’m in the minority there.

I have zero interest in playing “dunk on the bad faith troll” either here or wherever the arena is

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And that’s why the arena is instead populated by Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman, and the All-In podcast bros.

We gush over Mayo Pete going on Fox and killing it, but it’s fun to watch only because it’s so rare.

Ok, I’m convinced. Unban lagtight! We must dunk on him for the future of America.

Lagtight thanks you for your political passion, no matter how misguided he finds it, and he wishes you a bountiful future.

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