About Moderation


I’d actually like to go to a conservative forum and see robust debate, but instead I see stuff like r/conservative where you’re downvoted or outright banned simply for stating anything that doesn’t toe the line. Isn’t it cool that a study showed you’re more ignorant watching Fox and MSNBC than not watching any news at all? Well sure, except that criticizes Fox.

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I dont really have a dog in this fight, but I don’t think he should be banned. The posting I’ve seen lately hasn’t really been anything crazy. A few times it seems like other people have come in and taken a swipe at him just based on posting history, not anything particular he’d said in that instance. He does make a bunch of sarcastic and snarky posts in response, but whatever, it’s the internet. If you don’t like what he has to say, and you can’t engage with him without attacking him or dragging up old feuds just don’t engage him.

Why you’ve nailed our superpower in one sentence!

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Because 30-50% of the country including some of the most powerful people in it like Elon Musk believe this stuff so whether or not this 1 particular person is operating in good faith, you at least need to keep your skills sharpened in order to defeat the movement in open discussion spaces. The status quo is that a lot of people think that liberals are afraid to debate and just want to shout you down and call you a racist, etc. Look at the polls, we are straight up losing in the marketplace of ideas on issues like trans rights and immigration. It would be good to fight to change that.

As already pointed out many times. He isn’t banned for being right wing he is banned for trolling. Like any community, new members always have a shorter social rope than long standing members. If he was genuinely interested in being a member he would have spent some time posting good content and have the emotional intelligence to know trolling, even funny trolling, is done between friends who have known each other for a long time.

His trolling just isn’t the same as when someone like trolly takes a shot at me.

Lag came in hot with trolling from day one. He was never a conservative looking for honest debate.


Im just generally against banning. Lagtight certainly deserved it if anyone did. Not going to complain about it.

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i don’t feel like that’s my fight, boss.

Not everybody deserves to be heard.

We don’t lose on immigration and trans rights because of a lack of debate skills. We lose on these issues because capitalist control everything and use those issues to stop workers voting in line with their economic issues.


We lose on immigration because of racism, and “we” doesn’t mean the Democrats, because they are divided on it at best.

That’s an excuse. Capitalism didn’t start 10 years ago and we’re trending in the wrong direction. There are other issues that are anti-capitalist that we do well on because we are able to communicate effectively and persuasively on those.

I don’t want to shout lagtight down by calling him a racist. If he wants walls and deportation, I want him to try to explain how it’s not racist if that’s what he thinks. I think a lot of conservatives don’t think it’s racist because they don’t hate every Mexican they see, but the root of it all is still wanting to keep the USA majority white. It’s like the many Israelis and Israel supporters who have always bragged about the rights of the 20-some percent of Arabs in Israel, but will do literally anything to maintain Jewish majority. It’s why the theme of anti-immigration in the Trump era is about ‘replacement’.

Yea to be clear, I think “stfu racist” is an appropriate tactic in many situations. It just shouldn’t be the only tool in the bag. And whether or not lagtight can personally be convinced to not hate immigrants, the people who can be convinced will have arguments that sound a lot like his.

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Show up anywhere with a backpack full of ideas that everyone around you feels are abhorrent and really lean into that main character energy and make everything about you. Recipe for a beloved community member.

Thats gotta be close to 80% of active posters.

For one, no, it’s laughable to think that these people are beaten by debate. They are beaten by power, and power only. Modern conservatives are more than happy to relish in self-contradiction, dismissal of fact, and bad faith when it comes to argumentation. Why would you ever, EVER think that arguing with them is something that you can ever win?

For two, no, we are not losing on issues of trans rights. Transphobia was a massive loser in 2022. But you win on trans rights by winning elections with votes from people who don’t care about trans people, not by trying to argue with entrenched anti-trans opinions.


Potato potahto. There is nothing right wing that isn’t trolling.

Guy who has spent 15 years as a mod thinks everything he doesn’t like is trolling.

Thank you for your input.

That’s the kind of shit posting you want?