2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Making the election a referendum on who the candidates have fucked isn’t exactly a great path to go down for your rapey epstein island loving cult daddy.


Go for it, bro! I understand the importance of protecting safe spaces like UP, so no hard feelings if I get banhammered.

I couldn’t agree more. But it explains why Kamala can’t really go that route either.

Can’t find a source for what King is saying. I’ll eat my hat if Trump legit skips this. But maybe if he does Kamala can just do a town hall. Or better yet get her on Hot Ones. She’d make a great guest.

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No, you’re being a misogynist moron and an apologist for rape and pedophilia.

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I certainly disagree with your characterization of me.

That said, by what knowable, universal, objective, absolute, non-arbitrary and unchanging standard is it wrong to be a misogynist, a rapist or a pedophile?

Thank you.

beat it nerd

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Thank you for providing still more evidence for my “UP is primarily a support group/safe space for disgruntled Liberals” theory.

Have a good night.

addendum: And how can I both be a “moron” and a “nerd?” They seem to me to be mutually-exclusive categories.

I said beat it nerd

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Am I a “nerd” or a “moron?” Please make up your mind. Seems to me they’re mutually-exclusive categories.


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I think it’s up in the air as to whether he’ll debate or not, but he’s at least laying the groundwork to not do the one he previously agreed to.


The media bought into the unity/changed man narrative for a week after the shooting for this person.

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Jesse Peterson?

Today is the day he became Presidential

Do you even have a hat? I’ll eat mine if you do.

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I have several caps good sir. When shall you dine?

Joke’s on you, I have zero hats! :grin: