2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I’m a one issue voter:

Own the MAGs


I’m not gonna lie; I don’t think I ever heard of this guy until the past 24 hours. So I plead ignorance if there’s something terribly wrong with him. But I like this. He isn’t boring. “These guys are just weird. They’re running for he-man woman-haters’ club or something.”



What’s incredible about the “DEI” stuff is that no one pretends JD Vance was picked for any other reason than his appeal to white identity politics.


Gonna be a liability with the flat earthers.


I think the biggest misfire for Republicans is going to end up going all in on these culture war issues.

I think they animated a certain part of the population that had been checked out of Politics since 2016, and Trump gave lip service to those issues while focusing on anti-immigration which has much broader appeal.

Hammering immigration (unfortunately) still resonates with people. But turning your main campaign platform into CRT, DEI, Abortion just makes you seem like the too online weirdos and doesn’t resonate with a plurality of normal people.

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Thanks for this, legit never really heard of this guy but would certainly rather he was over for Thanksgiving than my weird he-man woman-haters’ club inlaws.


All of his adult “success” has been built on his identity.

There is literally no job more contingent on DEI hiring then the vice president! It is literally the only criteria for the job; has always been thus. Note how everyone intuitively understands that Harris must pick a white dude as well


Post headline today is “Queen’s Kambit”

Pretty weak

I’m definitely fine with every person on the supposed shortlists.

Every time I look at Roy Cooper speaking I think “this is a person nervous white Midwesterners need to see next to Kamala Harris”. No idea if that’s true.

Pete is the best speaker of the group obviously, but my gut is that boring is the way to go, see above. And it’s not like he stops going on TV if he’s not the VP nom.

If I were to pick the guy I personally like the most it’s Kelly and his peripherals are stellar.

What’s happening here?

I’m assuming it’s from the R primary.

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i think the private school vouchers/ban universities from divestment shapiro is too much noise added in to a “normalcy” type campaign. but maybe i’m too progressive for the average.

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“None of my hillbilly cousins went to Yale”

Boom roasted


Yeah I haven’t really heard him either, but am willing to get on board if he’s got some clips out there roasting deplorables.




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Sure, it’s not even a question that naked appeals to identity politics are completely legitimate and acceptable when white people make them. It’s not embarrassing at all for Republicans to acknowledge that JD’s hillbilly minstrel act is what landed him the job, that get reported matter-of-factly.

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Campaign shirt design idea