Immigration - Open Borders

Border Patrol agents embraced the model too, finally feeling empowered after decades of impotence.

Reads like the author is terrified of offending cops. Sometimes it seems like that’s literally the problem. No one wants to publicly and not anonymously say anything that might offend cops out of fear, which does make sense.


Not sure if this is the immigration thread, but I don’t really get this statement:

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin has joined a growing chorus of state Democrats who are criticizing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for sending buses of undocumented migrants to Chicago and other major American cities, calling the act “cruel and inhumane.”

Why does Durbin want them to stay in Texas?

Busloads of undocumented migrants are going to cause at least a short-term drain on any municipality, assuming most of them have little to no money and no contacts in the city they’re being brought to.

I voted for biden in 2020 so im not a great candidate here but i’d possibly vote rep if you had a shittier dem and trump wasn’t running. I think the left is mostly correct on general social issues and abortion and such as well as a lot of other issues and I think many of those topics aren’t really even worthy to have a discussion on for obv reasons.

I do think there is some credible conversations to be had regarding economic policy issues like trade and certain regulations and discussions about inflation and such.

I also think arguing with lefties about a complete unregulated border policy or abolishing prisons is just as idiotic as lefties arguing about a woman’s reproductive rights with right wingers but it’s those discussions on both ends that always take precedence which really fucks things up imo.

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This is the tiniest sliver of the “left” if you think people like Obama or Harris or even Bernie are part of the left.

The most extreme, force a raped 10 year old to carry through with a pregnancy view, is totally common among elected Republican officials - less common than with Republican voters, but still common enough in both.


Wait, have you ever tried this? I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone ever actually try this

Are most people in favor of open borders right or left libertarians?

“Open borders” sounds like a typical conservative ploy to define a position without doing any work. Border policy is complicated and it has been a while since we’ve seen anyone who can discuss complicated conservative policies without eventually using the N word…

Pure guess here, but I’d say left.

I don’t know and couldn’t find anything. I think it’s probably close, but maybe the fight over immigration since Trump has pushed more people on the left towards open borders as it’s been both polarizing and made people think about it and not just accept that what they have been used to must be what is right. I think this forum would poll probably close to 50/50 now, but the same people in 2014 much more for liberalizing, but not opening the border. Just a thought though and not very sure.

From a moral perceptive there are no good arguments for borders. If anything they are immoral.

From a political theory perspective I can understand some of the arguments but mostly they fall into historical contingency rather than anything essential.

Do you believe in open borders?
  • Fully open borders
  • Borders that are more open than now but not fully open
  • Borders that are mostly the same as now
  • Borders that are less open than now but not fully closed
  • Fully closed borders
  • Not sure/don’t know
0 voters

What is the real downside of open borders? Do we think that the pointless customs/border crossings/laws actually matter in stopping crime or something?

And crime is down. There was a blip of flattening and slightly increasing crime, but it has not returned to the drastic decrease that has been happening since the peak in the early 90s.

I take “Fully open borders” to be “essentially open borders”. Arresting a known terrorist, head of a cartel or Benjamin Netanyahu is still good.


Open borders could be huge net benefit for essentially everyone for whole host of reasons at certain times, and it could also could cause a shitstorm of problems for a kinds of folks in other times - which is why you continuously have cycles of heavy migration and times of tightening. It’s also heavily intertwined with trade which is another discussion that follows suit here.

The premise that some permanent, zero oversight, opened bordered policy would be best is taking a laughably complicated topic and simplifying it to an idiotic level. There just isn’t a discussion to be had there.

MB, if you want to argue that higher migration levels than the current status quo would be better - which i think you and I did a little on 22, we’d be more aligned on the topic, and its acutally a good discussion. But again, you can easily hold both the opinion that a more lax immigration policy would benefit everyone while a complete un supervised open border policy could lead to serious problems

Serious problems where and for who? Essentially completely unsupervised open borders would result in fewer problems for the most people and I think that’s essentially obvious. I think essentially completely open borders would benefit the average person in the US now, as it has at all times when it was the case, and would for the foreseeable future, but I’m sure it would be better for the average human on Earth and on top of that, freedom is just plain good.

Like, open borders between the USA and Haiti results possibly, maybe, not surely, but maybe and likely not…a net cost to the average person living in the USA over the course of their lifetime. It probably doesn’t. Young Haitian immigrants will be the people doing work that that person needs done when they are old. But, man it could help a lot of Haitians a lot. It might cost you a few nickels though. Probably not, but maybe. And it’s also freedom.

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