Immigration - Open Borders

What’s there to say other than what’s on my badge? Every day just reaffirms what I felt on Super Tuesday, that the country was lost, possibly for decades or more. “I care about m4a and immigrants, and that’s why I voted for Joe Biden!” Maybe I should take that as consolation when prepping for fascism. We don’t have much of a democracy anyway when the electorate is this clueless and can be tricked into voting for cowboys whipping brown people at the border. Who could have possibly predicted that the racist corpse would allow this? The guy caught on film ranting like a madman about immigrants to his donors, you mean he’s letting this happen? Color me shocked pikachu. Re: no Trump, I actually find it more tilting coming from Biden. At least Trump came right out and said what he thinks about immigrants. People didn’t have to be tricked into voting for him. Shoot, under Trump, this shit at the border would still be happening, fair elections would still be getting gutted with zero opposition from Dems, etc but I’d have $1200 more in my joint bank account right now! Clearly I’m in no position to cast stones on the electorate.

You know things are bad when NBZ is the wisest person in the room. If someone were down there sniping those horseback toughguys, people might think twice about signing up for that job.


All I can suggest is for you to be the impetus of change. I see zero posts from yourself in the last year on this topic despite being both fully aware and disturbed by the situation.

I was unnecessarily antagonistic in my original reply that I have edited out.


Derp. People like this should reflect inward

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Everyone who said that this was some kind of harm reduction vote for kids in cages was wrong, stupid, and should be sorry. And should probably stfu and defer to the people who tried to make it clear who Joe Biden was many many months afo


Honestly I thought Biden would get them out of cages too because it seems like such an asy political win. I dislike Biden and I expected him to be bad on immigration but he is infinitely worse than I expected

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Lolololol Joe Biden is going to send asylum seekers to fucking Gitmo. Amazing.

Also, Kamala may be deeply troubled, but Psaki is out there holding the line

My roommate’s significant other practices immigration law for legal services. She’s Colombian, so she might have some additional insights. I’ll reach out and see if I can get you some useful info

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Latest scandals are too much for Joe’s own diplomats:


I went back to see those posts but they seem to be missing…

Strange :thinking:

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The mods are out to cover it all up!

I’m not reading ignored posts, FYI.

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Tulsi’s still a trashbaby, if anyone was wondering.

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So the Del Rio camp is apparently cleared out. I think I just heard that out of about 14000 migrants, maybe 2000 were deported back to Haiti while 12000 were allowed into the US to pursue their asylum claims.

Presumably many or even most of these migrants will also eventually be removed but this still seems like a better outcome than many including me were expecting a couple of weeks ago.

The administration seems willing to pretend that they cleared the camp by deporting everybody. I guess it’s a calculated strategy.

Democrats have a storied tradition of doing a watered down version of whatever horrific thing Republicans want. Can’t stop now!


Oh they only deported 2k people

Google translation of a report about migrants crossing the Darien gap. Worth a read in my opinion.

A reasonable idea being floated:

Fire up the outrage machine! Sample GOP response:

Tucker Carlson:

Why pay your taxes at this point? Seriously, it’s too insulting. It’s too destructive. It is evil…

Well, we can be certain how the rest of the world is going to see this announcement. Why wouldn’t you cross our border illegally at this point, you have to be insane not to. Joe Biden is literally paying people who do it. So, not surprisingly, as Fox’s Griff Jenkins just reported, new waves of illegal migrants are coming here as fast as they can.

I mean, it’s all very predictable, but the lying, misleading, and utter shamelessness is sometimes breathtaking. As is the speed at which these talking points can be mobilized and spread.

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Republican Twitter is having a thermonuclear meltdown over this.

I excluded a prominent Pence tweet (“The Biden policy of giving illegal immigrants $450K each is totally unacceptable.”) solely because it includes a video of his giant ugly head.

Is the fly in it though? I could be convinced to watch to see how it’s doing.