Immigration - Open Borders

Just a completely disgusting organization

I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.

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This thread is so depressing and Australia is no better.

Not sure if there’s a more general immigration thread. Anyway, this story seems unlikely to end up being as simple as it’s presented. The parents just randomly left these kids by the river with a note? Highly suspect.

So despite the fact that most seem to be seeking asylum, there’s a humanitarian crisis in their home country (and TPS seems to apply), and dem lawmakers urged Biden not to, we’re just going to deport the fuck out of them ASAP anyway.

Maybe it’s because border patrol agents have spent all that time learning Spanish in order to more effectively abuse immigrants and none of them speak French.

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Does asylum actually apply here? I mean their country is in tatters but not sure if that matters for an asylum application. TPS seems to apply only to Haitians in the country as of the declaration. Would love to here from someone who is somewhat well versed in this stuff.

FTR, I’d be fine bringing all 11 million Haitians here to the States. Would be nice if there was more decency than just flying people back to Haiti but human decency rarely prevails in these matters.

Anybody here who cares to comment on how the admin. could behave differently and what that would look like that would be appreciated.

My understanding is that you need a specific threat to qualify for asylum, like this gang member wants to kill your family or something like that. “My country sucks and I want to come to America” doesn’t cut it anymore.

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You’re right that TPS does not apply to new people coming in, I had missed that. But the fact that there’s an active TPS declaration for the country seems like it should count for something in terms of the way these immigrants are treated.

Sure, but they should obviously be permitted to go through the process and have their claim judged on the merits. Rounding up asylum-seekers and deporting them seems especially wrong if you’re basing that decision on Covid restrictions given that the vax rate in Haiti is effectively zero.

But I confess I’m confused by this paragraph from this Guardian story:

The agency has transferred Haitians in buses and vans to other Border Patrol facilities in Texas, specifically El Paso, Laredo and Rio Grande Valley. They are mostly processed outside of the pandemic-related authority, meaning they can claim asylum and remain in the US while their claims are considered.

Even with flights of 250 at a time it would take weeks to deport 15 thousand people. But it sounds like maybe they’re being more selective on who’s being expelled and who’s being permitted to proceed with asylum applications.

My understanding is that pre-Trump we let asylum seekers chill out in the US while their claims are being processed, but now we throw them into detention camps because America.

Not sure they’re using whips on people as implied in this thread but people are being herded like cattle. This is bullshit.


DHS Sec: profoundly troubled
Kamala: deeply troubled

Dude what in the absolute fuck. Fuck this country

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Mostly yawns coming from this community as well judging by the activity in this thread. Horses herding Haitians as we fly them to a broken country most haven’t seen in years. Seems damn cruel, but no Trump means no community outrage.

I don’t know about others but I get most of my political news from here so maybe a lot haven’t seen it till now? Is it on MSM?

But yeah fuck America. This is horrible. Those agents should get 10+ years

I get the NYT they have coverage. On Twitter as well via AP, NPR, Huffpost. It’s on the radar for sure.

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All over the media afaict. Absolutely unacceptable.

This is one of a handful of topics I can only pay sporadic attention to because I’m afraid it will send me over the edge. When I do check to see what’s happening, that fear is confirmed.

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My longtime friend is in Mexico right now, attempting to make an asylum claim in the USA. He started with a large group of Haitians leaving Chile in May (due to the timing, I think the connection to the Moise assassination and earthquake is tenuous at best).

Most of his group already made it into the USA, but he stayed behind at the Mexico-Guatemala border to wait for his wife, who made the trip from South America separately. She is pregnant and was traveling with her mother, who sadly died on the journey.

His wife finally showed up in Southern Mexico and they were to start traveling again, but he has phone issues and he can only contact me sporadically now. I last heard from him Monday night. I am worried, as I’ve heard the Mexican government is starting deportation flights from the Mexico-Guatemala border.

My advice to him was to get away from the Guatemala border ASAP. There are many checkpoints leading away from Guatemala, and the journey is quite difficult. He has been looking at options, including some possibility of legal residence in Mexico.

If anyone has any practical advice for someone in this situation I would be extremely appreciative. American human rights/immigration attorneys mostly seem focused on what to do once you actually get here.