Immigration - Open Borders

For my part anyway, ICE and Border Patrol or anyone associated with this is absolutely not welcome in my life as any kind of customer/client. I won’t ever knowingly buy or sell or trade or do any kind of business with them at any time.


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Just watched the first episode and holy shit we are the bad guys.

Also really speaks to the power of these institutions, in part of the ep they say how it is a very political agency and whatever comes from the top goes. We can’t allow for institutions like this to come into power under a D or R president because they are ripe for abuse

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Yeah the nonchalant attitude from the ICE employees pissed me off so much. The one agent who was like “we don’t participate in the child separation stuff” and then a minute later is locking up a father who is saying goodbye to his daughter, just fuck. After all that she was still justifying it, just disgusting

Not sure I can watch. I’m already angry and frustrated enough as is.

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This. I’m probably not watching. I’ve got two kids who still need me and can’t go Willem van Spronsen.


I’m going to try and watch. I’m angry and disgusted already, have been, and the first episode I cried during the family separations. But I know I haven’t done enough to help, and I’m kind of disgusted with myself over that. I’ve donated some, but I should have definitely donated more. And I need to be more involved hands on. Volunteering, making calls.

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So I’m on episode three and episode one was by far the worst so far. Which means they aren’t really showing the true horrors of whats going on yet.

That said episode three has some uplifting moments, like the sheriff of Charlottesville getting crushed out of office as a big favorite almost entirely over the policy to cooperate with ICE. It shows immigrants working on his campaign. Really shows what hands on work can do in your local community.

Also focuses on deported veterans. Not much focus on ICE at all, but the terror these people live in his always there.

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I really pray for a radical left wing take over of our government that would prosecute everyone working for ICE for crimes against humanity, war crimes, whatever the fuck and throw these monsters in jail.

Episode 4 opens up with a field officer director arresting someone after asking them " La crossa frontera? " and in the truck after saying he just asks them " la crossa frontera? " and if they answers yes he arrests them. And he’s laughing his ass off in the truck about it, telling a guy who actually knows Spanish thats all you need to ask because you’re asking them " did you cross the frontier " and the guy who actually knows Spanish says " no, you just literally asked them if they crossed the border, how many years have you worked for immigration? I’m really worried about the people you arrested. " and they both just laugh and laugh.

Lock that dude in a dungeon with no sunlight and waterboard him for the rest of his life.

Episode 4 is about hurricane damage and the undocumented workers who help fix communities after it. They follow an advocacy group that demands they get paid since a ton of them get ripped off by the contractors. They actually go after Tommy Hamm, county comissioner of Bay County, Florida and his company Winterfall.

It follows them around and they build a pretty big organization of more than 60 workers organization which was fucking awesome to see.

They also follow up on north carolina. After that Sheriff ended cooperation with ICE, ICE did massive operations to arrest as many people as possible to terrorize the community into putting the policy back into practice. Soon after a bunch of other Sheriffs in NC followed suite and ended the practice of cooperating with ICE. Pretty awesome.

Also the PR guy for ice just continues to be the absolute fucking worst. He gives speeches that " 90% of people arrested have committed crimes " and one group has protesters that completely rip him a new one about how its mostly for misdemeanors. Then he’s running this speech to one of the field directors who tells him well, actually only like 30% of the people are arrest have any convictions, and he’s like well whatever I’m still going to say 90%. Like all of this is on camera. Fucking unbelievable.

I don’t have much faith in any of the politicians any group that’s calling and pressuring them. I will make a donation to something like this

where people are actually doing something.


In the past I mostly donated to raices texas after I read about them reuniting families after zero tolerance went into effect.

Both of those are now on my list.


Also in the documentary it isn’t politicians starting these groups. It’s all small level community activism.

The girl who helped get the sheriff get elected who got rid of ICE cooperation is a fucking hero. She is at risk of being deporated herself as the Trump admin ended the policy her family is here under.

There is a scene where as a response to the Sheriff county ending cooperation with ICE, ICE starts a huge operation to arrest as many illegal immigrants as they can on the streets to strike terror in the community to reverse the policy. The PR guy legit says that. She drives around putting up live streams of them doing it, and it shows the ICE officials in charge are legit shook by it. They ended operations because of her and all the publicity she gave it. I think she had a huge part in other sheriffs ending the policy as well. Absolute fucking hero. There’s definitely a lot of heros in this documentary after episode one, which is why I think its worth watching after the first episode. You can even skip that one as that ones just super depressing.


Just complete cruelty in every way

oh just ICE targeting journalists and social media users

Some other immigration news-

The admin had to submit their report for refugee admissions for next year, it wasn’t made public right away (might be public now) but a copy was leaked to the Miami Herald and posted here FY21 Report To Congress | PDF | Refugee | United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees

They want to cut the refugee admissions # to 15,000 which is the lowest it’s ever been (it was 45k in 2018)

The allocations are distributed among the following categories:

  • Up to 5,000 refugees who specifically have been “persecuted or have a well-founded fear of persecution on account of religion,” or are covered by a provision of law known as the Lautenberg and Specter Amendments, which broadly speaking are intended to lower the evidentiary standards and facilitate the resettlement of persecuted religious minorities in the former Soviet Union, Southeast Asia, and Iran.
  • Up to 4,000 refugees from Iraq, who were employed by the U.S. government, U.S. media and NGOs, organizations funded by the U.S. mission, or are religious minorities.
  • Up to 1,000 refugees who are nationals or habitual residents of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.
  • Up to 5,000 other refugees, including those who were already ready for departure by the end of the 2019 fiscal year.

Part of the reasoning that they try and use is the increased number of asylum applications (they made this claim last year when they dropped the number to 18k) but this has nothing to do with the number of refugees as both are handled separately. But also we are currently not even processing asylum applications at the border since March due to covid and the asylum system has been under attack a lot recently with a regulation proposed in June that would allow asylum officers to determine whether an application is “frivolous” as well as some of the below attacks

There are plenty of other attacks on the asylum system to get into: the so-called “Asylum Cooperative Agreements” with Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, which send asylum seekers to apply for protections there; the Migrant Protection Protocols, which forces asylum seekers to wait out their cases in Mexican border cities; the spate of precedential decisions from the Board of Immigration Appeals, which have tightened the qualifications for asylum; and so many others.

Maybe pull Rod Rosenstein from the “respectable Lawbro” circuit? Jesus Christ what absolute monsters. In any semblance of a just world they’d be on trial at The Hague.

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It’s shocking that the guys who took away children said they wanted to take away children.