About Moderation

and let it be known.

that the greatness of UP lies not in what she takes, but in what she gives


Weā€™ve found Kanyeā€™s alt account.

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and I honestly dont know the story. some beef in the covid thread os


Now THATā€™S what I call circumventing a ban! Lol me.


Why? They donā€™t respect each other. Why make them pretend that they do?

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@anon59375068 You are welcome to discuss the merits of moderators asking people to be more respectful to each other here in the About Moderation thread, but keep it out of other threads. I will not be joining you in this discussion, as my opinion is obvious.

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ah only judge dredd can post about moderation in other threads, and no he will not be taking questions.

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The Head Street Judge will not be taking questions, but what the hell is the point in trying to moderate RM and WDM in the Blockchain Unchained thread? Whatā€™s the point in trying to get them to pretend that they respect each other at all. Just let them fight, who the hell cares? Certainly not them. What are you trying to accomplish by intervening?

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Itā€™s a simple warning, why do you care?

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The answer to your question is contained in the post itself.

I donā€™t see it. Feel free to enlighten me or highlight it.

Read it again more carefully.

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They donā€™t have to pretend that they respect each other, they just have to find a way to convey disrespect while maintaining decorum.

I understand that will be the effect of this style of moderation, I just donā€™t understand how it could conceivably accomplish something positive or worthwhile. Perhaps I need to take into account the enjoyment the moderators derive from the act of moderating.

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Seems like heā€™s trying to make clear that his desire for less drama on the forum is not biased towards certain people.

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Some people will enjoy reading the forum more if decorum is observed. The question is whether we should care about what they want.

lol more people will enjoy reading the crypto thread if we canā€™t see RM telling crypto people to fuck off? That is absolutely false, thatā€™s what that crypto thread is for!

People would enjoy it more if he could tell people to fuck off without being one-note and repetitive.

The stink of the insult will find itā€™s way to your nose no matter how much perfume is poured on it. Decorum is a delay to the drama, not an answer to it


Some semblance of decorum may at least makes people try to be wittier in their insults rather than letting them grab at low-hanging fruit. Throttling drama can also make it more bearable if it comes at a more reasonable pace.

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