About Moderation

It’s pretty clear who has the “moral high ground” here.

I think you need to leave this old drama behind, dude.

67 other founders of this forum voted to put a neat shield by my username so I think I do have moral authority to ban trolls.


“to protect and serve”


That’s your interpretation of your powers. It’s never been explicitly stated that you and CW can ban people for lengths of time that are indistinguishable from perma bans.

You’re way exceeding your mandate.

Show me the line in your election manifesto where you stated that effective permas would be enforced…

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Nobody has been banned for more than a few days, and the vast vast vast majority of the bans have arisen from posts in this thread. I have a crazy idea, and hear me out… What if we all just stopped posting in this thread? I’ll even go first. Ready… Go!

This thought definitely occurs to me for the other posters who come into this thread having never really posted in AM before and say ‘ban everyone’. I mean I’m assuming they never interact with their enemies given they hardly post outside of AM (and the people they want banned only do) and there is hardly any drama outside of AM (of course to a lot of people drama is any disagreement of opinion but that’s another UP issue for another day) thanks largely to Cuse’s trigger finger imho. The people who post regularly in AM clearly get something out of it that the vast majority don’t.

Edit: fixed sloppy wording

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90% of the posters here do not have “enemies.”


The only explicit limitation on moderator powers is mods should not resolve flags against their own posts. If you feel like the new moderation policy exceeds any mandate provided to moderators by the forum you’re welcome to start a poll to remove any of the mods you feel have grown tyrannical.

Well the posters they want banned then. I concede it was a poor choice of words.

90% of the people here don’t want others banned. They find all of this drama bullshit fucking stupid and annoying that detracts from their overall experience.

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But we’ve just been told that drama only happens in AM. How are they even aware of it?


Have we developed the technology to report likes yet? I have a hot tip on a currently banned poster who circumvented his ban by registering a new account and liking one of my posts.


What should happen to the circumventer?


what do I want to happen? Mods:


10% of all posters have 90% of all enemies

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Wow at seeing yourself as George Floyd here…


Ok, I’ll admit, I didn’t last long with the “not posting in AM” thing, but holy shit this is super fucking offensive.

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