The Crapto Thread

Crypto Bros also love to imply us simpletons just don’t understand while never actually laying out what’s special about crypto.

There’s a reason every one of these crises would have been prevented by basic financial regulation, and its because there is nothing new or novel about any of this.

Do you think BTC has some floor value for our lifetimes due to occupying a significant place within pop culture for the time it did? Like a Warhol print basically.

Is there a price where you personally would buy a bitcoin just for the nostalgia?


I think I would buy one for a few hundred dollars, especially if it came with like a nice plaque. BTW that would still be like a 600,000% premium from when I first heard about bitcoin and considered buying them. lol me.

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Giving warnings for both of these, they shouldn’t be viewed as a judgment on who’s right or wrong on the argument because I haven’t followed it in great detail. Nor does it mean I’m excusing any other posts I might have missed that are out of line, I don’t read this thread regularly but these were flagged.

So please be a little more nice and respectful while arguing over crypto/crapto/scams/investments/whatever.

A post was merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

as someone who currently has tpb playing as background noise, this is awesome.

A post was merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

Can always use a stop loss. You can also short coins with isolated margin which limits your max potential losses to whatever your initial margin was.

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Did anyone short GME at $480?


I don’t necessarily mind dickish comments, but I do think people should have the courage to engage with those they’re being dickish towards, and the decency to be accurate about it. If somebody wants to directly argue with me or laugh at me or call me names about something I actually said or believe, that’s perfectly fine. But I think it’s really crappy to make transparently disingenuous broad-brush attacks and then pretend like you were having a good faith discussion, like “oh my goodness how dare those people take offense to my dickish behavior, I am just here to talk about the cryptos!”.

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Who in the everloving fuck is pretending to have a good faith discussion in the Crapto thread?

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This is the root of the problem here and why you are always involved in every fight.

A normal poster attempts to have good faith discussions at all times in all threads.


Almost everybody. Even suzzer is usually participating in good faith and not trying to be a dick.

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It’s literally a thread full of vince memes (before I ever started posting in it) but ok, yeah sure, everyone is participating in good faith to further super serious discussion.

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Do you not understand the difference between making jokes and being a dick?

Yes. Please feel free to quote my posts where I”m being a dick.

You usually aren’t, and I never said you were. I can find a few where you are deliberately trying to stir up drama at arm’s length if you want, but I really would just like people to not be broad-brush dickish in ways that blatantly misrepresent what other posters think. Seems like a pretty reasonable request to me for a small community like this.