About Moderation

You realize #4 has already happened multiple times as you ate permas on all your old SNs? Also permaed on multiple SNs at 2+2.

You are well aware people don’t enjoy your posting and it’s the exact reason you do it. Not saying I think you should be banned but even this list is total bullshit and you know it.

Quite the contrary, I’ve stated in this very forum that support groups are wonderful things.

If you’d like, I’d be delighted to find the quote for you.

He’s right about #5.


Please don’t misrepresent what I’m saying… You left out a key word in my quote: “Largely”

Please stop lying. I’ve never been permabanned on Unstuck. I’ve been temp-banned exactly once.

You are correct that I had several SN’s permabanned on 2+2.

The ignore feature is for selfish bastards who don’t care what the forum looks like for other people they just want to get their own, or febrile minded simpletons who can’t control themselves.

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You’re probably right. I’ve personally never put anyone on ignore in this forum.

If you believe that UP is a support group and safe space, and that support groups and safe spaces are wonderful things – then wouldn’t that mean you are a dick for for intentionally intruding on a known support group and safe space? Seeking out support groups to upset people is sociopathic.

Fuck off.


This. While I do think some of his posts were mainly for trolling purposes, I also think he was sincere in believing his own words. Even tho I disagreed with just about all of it, it is not ban worthy imo

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I am also against lagtight’s ban. Maybe we should have a vote on it? (Is that even a thing anymore?)

Stop the steal. (I have no dog in the fight, been on ignore forever).

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I vote put him on a post count. He gets like 10 per day. I’m fine if some conservatives want to engage in debate here in good faith (I’m not saying he is). I do occasionally want to see what they’re up to and what seems to motivate them today, but god damn is it annoying when it’s 100 posts of just other posters and him chirping back and forth.

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Agree even though i am guilty as well with engaging with some of the bait. Just don’t let him troll. Tempban if you have to until he learns acceptable interaction.

My view is that Lagtight was slowly pushing the line towards more blatant trolling and that it was become more clear he was here more for the trolling than for actual discussion. I also felt he wasn’t really adding much to the discussion.

I tried the temp ban (and feel he had been given lots of latitude until then), but feel he came back and dialed it up, now down.




I mean do we really mind a punching bag?

I mean I’ve had RAIDS on ignore forever but it is annoying watching him derail threads over and over. Also that stupid discourse bug where if he makes the last reply in a thread you can never mark it as read without viewing his post but that’s more of a general annoyance.


I think he took a fair bit of stick, which is fair enough, but it’s unsurprising that someone would resort to baiting when folk are consistently hostile to them. Happens often enough between people with similar opinions, let alone between those of completely different outlooks.

I think lagtight and RAIDS are different posters, but maybe I’m wrong.