2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Well if he’s still talking Fox News with a full crowd so that he can turn the whole thing into an uncontrolled circus, absolutely fucking not.

The great deal-maker has given her all the cards here, so she should be able to significantly dictate the terms of how these others happen if they happen at all. And you make a fair point about agreeing to one before 9/10 since you always have to assume he’s dealing in bad faith.

If Trump fully agrees to prior terms of the 9/10 ABC debate with the exception that it be done in front of an audience, should that be a deal breaker for Kamala?

She shouldn’t negotiate any terms of it at all after he has already caved. The time for extracting concessions from her has already passed.


I call it oil

And gas



A post was merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

Lagtight stuff moved to About Moderation.


The draft is horrible and slavery and that is a good change, but on the other hand, there being no draft has somewhat deflated war protest. The volunteers volunteered to invade Iraq twice and Afghanistan once. It doesn’t mean the US military haven’t been invaders after Vietnam.

That’s just stupid. It’s absolutely Orwellian to just change the name. You going “hurr durr, culture war, like the Trumpkins do” is just you being an idiot.

Yes, that was a mistake and should have been 3x - I was thinking on the order of $200B.

No way should Harris debate before Merchan’s Trump hearing on the 6th. ABC on the 10th is fine. The 25th is also good, as it comes after a potential sentencing on the 18th.

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I’m not some Pelosi fan or anything, it really sucks to hear about Paul Pelosi. She said he’s at 80%, about 20 months from the attack. He has definitely experienced some trauma and won’t go into parts of their home.

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Meghan has seen enough.



This is why the couch fucking is awesome

Is it real. I have no idea

I haven’t seen a clip of Jd saying “no of course I didn’t fuck a couch”

Either way ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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This is amazing. Absolutely amazing.


Is it real?

Appears to be, yes. WH correspondent leading with “INBOX.”


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Now I’m going to have to try to explain dril to my normie friends. I barely understand dril most of the time.

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