About Moderation

Fuck off.


This. While I do think some of his posts were mainly for trolling purposes, I also think he was sincere in believing his own words. Even tho I disagreed with just about all of it, it is not ban worthy imo

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I am also against lagtight’s ban. Maybe we should have a vote on it? (Is that even a thing anymore?)

Stop the steal. (I have no dog in the fight, been on ignore forever).

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I vote put him on a post count. He gets like 10 per day. I’m fine if some conservatives want to engage in debate here in good faith (I’m not saying he is). I do occasionally want to see what they’re up to and what seems to motivate them today, but god damn is it annoying when it’s 100 posts of just other posters and him chirping back and forth.

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Agree even though i am guilty as well with engaging with some of the bait. Just don’t let him troll. Tempban if you have to until he learns acceptable interaction.

My view is that Lagtight was slowly pushing the line towards more blatant trolling and that it was become more clear he was here more for the trolling than for actual discussion. I also felt he wasn’t really adding much to the discussion.

I tried the temp ban (and feel he had been given lots of latitude until then), but feel he came back and dialed it up, now down.




I mean do we really mind a punching bag?

I mean I’ve had RAIDS on ignore forever but it is annoying watching him derail threads over and over. Also that stupid discourse bug where if he makes the last reply in a thread you can never mark it as read without viewing his post but that’s more of a general annoyance.


I think he took a fair bit of stick, which is fair enough, but it’s unsurprising that someone would resort to baiting when folk are consistently hostile to them. Happens often enough between people with similar opinions, let alone between those of completely different outlooks.

I think lagtight and RAIDS are different posters, but maybe I’m wrong.


I’m not convinced of this but I have had a mod reach out and let me know he isn’t RAIDS in their opinion. I thought it was raids also. If you look up the lagtight 2+2 account it’s that person.

Ah, well either way I’ve had this dipshit on ignore for a while so I guess it doesn’t matter who it is.

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We’ve kind of already had an informal vote on it. This is how many users have ignored him since he registered


Ignored that dude day 1

Adds -0- value


52 ignored is fucking nuts lmao.



FYP and this.

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When the back and forth quips get to be too much and start a derail, why not just create a containment thread for it? “Lagtight explains the benefits of Christian Charities:”, or whatever

I know what it’s like to be on the bottom of a dog pile here and that has always worked for me. He can explain himself until either he or others get tired and move onto something else imo

We voted to not have any more votes. Seriously.

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