2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



My DMs are open if the hackers want to send me the Vance dossier


Turns out itā€™s just an Ashley Furniture catalog




And really, that song?

Lol even Celine is clowning on them.


Many are saying that Trumpā€™s plane didnā€™t have a mechanical issue yesterday and instead did not land in Bozeman because they were going to seize his plane due to unpaid bills. I donā€™t know if itā€™s true, but many are saying it. Whether thatā€™s specifically true or not, Trumpā€™s record of stiffing local governments is well-documented.


Ranked 273rd by 538

Well here are Nateā€™s current averages

Recommend listening to AC/DC as you review them


the vibes have been so great and such a relief and letā€™s go. But this is probably still gonna be close and if dems were to just lose for example Pennsylvania then it could be a bad time. I donā€™t know polls & maps like you guys but it isnā€™t a snap for me to imagine a world where dems lose PA while picking up GA and AZ, let alone NV

not to mention that if dems win an election that is remotely close, then we live in a world where a big segment of the losing side has essentially had a complete break from reality and will genuinely believe that election was rigged. This is a meaningful percentage of the country and theyā€™re not just trolling: tens of millions of people will deep down believe the election was stolen. So imagine, if you had a brain that was throbbing for maga and if you believed the presidency had not only been gifted by the elites to kamala harris (of all people) but had also been hijacked away from your golden calf savior, then seriously what the hell would you do?? I couldnā€™t be happier with the beginning of the post-Biden postdiluvian era but win or lose I am really not looking forward to the next six months; October by itself is going to feel like six centuries


I think heā€™s done barring some big random event, like economy cratering, just a matter of how much he loses by.

Also remember when people were certain that the 2024 senate map was gonna be fucked? Not poking just saying things are so unpredictable

I heard this may be one reason heā€™s done almost no campaigning since the assassination attempt because they only want to do indoor events now and heā€™s stiffed so many that itā€™s hard to book them now


I think Trumpā€™s campaign is in really rough shape now, but after the past month (the assassination attempt was less than a month ago) I would feel foolish pretending that anything is close to a lock with nearly three months to go. I donā€™t even know what it is that would go wrong, but the remaining calendar is just a world of time in politics.


Thatā€™s a lot of blue.

It doesnā€™t matter how close it is. It was rigged bigly or it was rigged BIGLY.

There will not be a repeat of Jan 6 in DC simply because the actual police will be ready and ready to do their jobs. Plus I canā€™t imagine the barricades.

I hope the states likely to be the focus of nonsense are run at the executive level by Ds or in the case of GA, not willing to go along after the vote (of course happy to do all kinds of suppression up front). They should
Be able to ready for any riot type nonsense.

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Why the fuck would the hacker give the documents to Politico?!

Because a Politico reporter tried ā€œpassw0rdā€ as a password guess and was correct.




I know I shouldnā€™t worry about 4 years from now, but Iā€™m still really worried that if Trump loses and is finally done, the Republicans will finally nominate a ā€œnormalā€ Republican again and theyā€™ll destroy. Every never-Trump Republican will return home.

In this scenario, I do not expect them to nominate an old relic from the dwindling Republican Classic brand; the primary electorate is too packed with radicalized crazies. However, even if that happens, Iā€™m not sure what would make the complexion substantially different from 2012, where it was a relatively close election but didnā€™t go too well for the GOP.

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