2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This is not going to happen. The MAGAs idiots aren’t going away, even if Trump does. Someone further to his right is probably going to take up the mantle. Trump has shown every idiotic R the way to power isn’t policy or being reasonable, it’s stoking their fears and anger.

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How can they? You rarely go back to just cigarettes after 8 straight years mainlining heroin. Half of gop primary voters will think the rinos assassinated trump.


Of note, the Harris +4 across those three battleground states is when the poll is reduced to head-to-head. When you include third-party candidates, the likely voter result is:
PA: Harris +2
WI: Harris +6
MI: Harris +5

So if the poll is accurate, the RFK effect is swinging in both directions from one state to the next.


She’s got my vote :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Who is a normie at this point? Paul Ryan? DeSantis?

I guess Haley, but a big part of their base is racist.

Anyway if Dems do manage a landslide I hope they’d take advantage to do reapportionment, statehood for DC or PR or some other move that helps unskew the political power in this country. Feeling like Kamala might have the stones to go there where the old fossils didn’t but maybe I’m SSC here.


Thats a strong comeback post


You’re got the blue state governors - Sununu and Hogan.

Then the semi-moderate governors - Youngkin (are there any others?).

I guess then some of the retread candidates - Rubio, etc.

Kinda speaking of:

Harris leads Trump in Miami-Dade, new poll shows | Miami Herald

*It’s a likely voter poll
*Harris is +14 in Miami-Dade
*Biden was -11 in this county in the most recent poll by the same pollster last November
*Desantis won this county in his re-election bid (the article doesn’t offer a margin)
*However, the bad news to put it in perspective is that this by itself wouldn’t be enough to suggest a FL win:

Yet a 14-point lead in Miami-Dade likely wouldn’t be enough to put Florida in play for Harris. In 2016, then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton beat Trump in the county by about 30 percentage points — nearly 300,000 votes — but failed to win the statewide vote in Florida.


Governors are almost always going to be less weird because at some level they do have to be competent to be able to keep the city functioning. DeSantis is maybe an exception. But the really out there crazies are always going to be found in the legislature, your Boberts or your MTGs or whatnot.

Noem seems like another. But I agree with the overall point.


The Culinary Union is proud to endorse Kamala Harris for President and Tim Walz for Vice-President of the United States of America.

Kamala has consistently championed our union and hospitality workers. She stood by us as we negotiated and won the best union contract ever, and we trust her to continue the progress of the Biden/Harris administration by delivering real results that will prioritize and protect working families.

As the first woman poised to become the next President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris will continue to be a fierce advocate for working people. She understands our challenges and has engaged directly with hundreds of Culinary Union members and Shop Stewards over the past six years. Kamala has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to tackle issues that are important to guest room attendants who clean hotel rooms, cooks who make gourmet food, and the tip-earning servers who deliver cocktails and unparalleled hospitality.

By capping rent increases at 5% and funding affordable housing, core principles of our nearly three-year Neighborhood Stability campaign, Kamala and Tim will have our back.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will unite Black, Latinx, Asian American Pacific Islander, Indigenous, white, and immigrant workers to confront corporate greed and lower rent, gas, and grocery prices - unlike Republicans, who side with Wall Street landlords and the super-rich.

As the largest organization of working women in Nevada, the chance to elect the first Black and South Asian woman president of the USA is both energizing and historic and we are ready to make history together. The path to victory runs through Nevada, and the Culinary Union will deliver Nevada for President Kamala Harris and Vice-President Tim Walz.




I have to believe this is a Trump “negotiation” tactic. It would be malpractice for Harris to agree to this.

The first Debate with Kamala Harris, for President of the United States of America, will be with FoxNews on September 4th, 2024, LIVE from beautiful Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The second Debate will take place on Fake News ABC, home of George Slopadopoulos, to be anchored by David Muir, on September 10th, 2024, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The third Debate will take place on NBC, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on September 25th, 2024, to be anchored by Lester Holt - Details to follow. I look forward to seeing Kamala at all three Debates! DJT

Donald Trump Truth Social 12:22 AM EST 08/11/24

Very little question of this.

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Mcmaster in SC
Abbott in Texas
Huckabee in Arkansas
Plain in Alaska

And we almost had Kari lake in Arizona

Where are leaks of the hacked docuemnts? I wanna see what’s in them.

He’s Theil’s puppet, so yes

I don’t think so. His entire reason for living is to eradicate public schools

50-50. Either it happens or it doesnt