About Moderation

Mocking someone struggling with addiction should absolutely be out of bounds, but why not continue with temp bans and just delete the offending posts? Unless that’s all he does and has no posts with worthwhile content


I think 5 strikes and you’re out is fair - especially when it’s something this blatant.

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See, I was joking. He wont change. Hes shown that. There is no reason to keep the bullshit going, lest we want to lose another poster who actually does provide value to our forum

NMW gets permabanned but lagtight gets to spread homophobic slurs?

I can’t believe they have not been perma banned either. I guess they need to include a bible verse first.


Why don’t you mute these people. Makes forum much better.


There’s a difference between antagonizing someone who’s struggling with addiction and holding racist or bigoted views. One is a personal and possibly harmful attack on an individual and the other is a fucked up world view. We should be engaging the latter to change. Also freedom of speech and all

Edit: A harmful attack on a trans or any lgbtq individual should also be fair game for a perma ban imo


I endorse this message.

No one cares

That’s a rather bold statement. How could you possibly know such a thing?

Quoting this post from the Trump thread so as not to derail that one but I’d just like to point out that the number of regulars who were “kicked out” via ban is closer to 5 and one of those was for incredibly abusive and threatening PMs to another user.

Most of the regulars who left did so by choice, and admittedly in some of those cases it was because they disagreed with the moderation, but they’re free to return to the site any time they want. Realistically even the posters who were banned could return if they wanted to because it’s not difficult to hide your IP and as long as you can manage to not personally attack people mods aren’t going to check anyway.

I would be thrilled to welcome back those who left because we’ve lost some incredibly insightful posters but I think that ship has sailed.


Good call moving it. And yes, “kicked out” may be hyperbole. Maybe “kicked out or intentionally driven away.” I stand by my larger point that Chesspain’s posting has been more hateful than that of many of the people he, and others, vocally wanted to leave this site. I also miss the insights from many of those posters and am frustrated at the blatant hypocrisy he regularly puts on display after contributing to their departure.

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Not sure how I missed this post. Could you quote any post I’ve made on Unstuck in which I “spread homophobic slurs?”

Thanking you in advance.

There aren’t any.

The poster you are quoting is more homophobic and transphobic than you are. He likes to weaponize that stuff when he doesn’t even like gays and many other people, including the mentally ill and those struggling with addiction.

Like not even hate the sin. He hates the person.

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An impressive achievement indeed! :smile:

Why do we allow self-deleted posts?

I see a lot of “deleted by poster” … my thinking is it’s people taking shots at one another and then deleting. It annoys me. Am I off base here?

Seriously though, I, and probably a lot of other people, delete posts for other reasons like: posted something and found out it was wrong, posted something in the wrong thread, wrote out a post that needed more explaining or something but I don’t have time or just give up. Also, if someone launches an attack and deletes that can be good can’t it? If someone just decides, on second thought, to not get into or keep a fight going?


I was in the middle of typing out the exact same thing so I’m glad Discourse updates threads in real time so I didn’t end up submitting then deleting it.

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Can’t they edit, delete the text and leave blank?

I don’t disagree with you, really, Maybe my solution to a non problem fixes nothing that needed fixing. I guess I’m thinking if people are taking shots and deleting, I’d rather know it so maybe they don’t need to be here. But I don’t say that to open up some weird debate, I just get irritated by all the deleted posts.

ETA: in my world where they edit the text, the original is still viewable for accountability, which I don’t even know if that’s a thing

That leaves a permanent weird looking post since Discourse requires there to be something in the body of the post, instead of seeing

(post deleted by author)

for about an hour in a thread, there would be a lot of posts that just looked like


Deleted posts are still visible to mods even after the temporary

(post deleted by author)

goes away. Even the edit history sticks around and the vaaaaast majority are innocuous and boring.

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