About Moderation

Please quote ANY post of mine that is “racist.” Thanking you in advance.

Point of Information: Is County Jail considered a “gated community?” :slight_smile:

Why should I NOT be “welcomed here?” Especially when you don’t know why I was banned from my “old digs.” (And you never will know why, unless you discuss it with the mod who banned me from my “old digs”.)

If I violate Unstuck’s TOS I’ll get banned here, too.

(I read the TOS, and there is no reason I would be banned here.)

Note well that it was YOU who brought up the controversial topic, by quoting me from my “old digs” no less.

(I’m delighted you did, by the way. I always enjoy reaching a new audience with my musings.)

I heartily endorse this message for those who think of Unstuck as a space space/support group, rather than as a forum for passionate engagement.

If the moderators of Unstuck do not believe I am a good fit for this forum, please let me know and I will not post in this forum any more.

I say this because I’m still not sure if this is a forum for “passionate discourse” or a safe meeting place for libs to hang out and rant about Right-wingers.

(My quick “read” is that it’s the latter, but I haven’t been here that long to know for sure.)

Thanking the Mods in advance.

You aren’t the main character my man. Just try to be a constructive member of the community.

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Whether I like it or not, I HAVE been the “main character” in this thread for two days or so.

Thanks almost exclusively to MrWookie who openly asked why I’m even allowed to be here in the first place.

MrWookie went out of his way to “stir the pot” by literally posting a three-year-old post from the “other” forum. (Which is fine; I love my musings being shared as much as possible.)

Still waiting for you to cite my ‘racist’ post.

As an aside, Is "cite or ban’ in effect in UP? If so, enjoy your ban!


Calling someone racist WITH proof is banworthy here. Unless you’re the wrong person

I’ve been banned more than once for linking people’s racists posts. The site administrator considers it to be doxxing to refer to anything anyone has said in the past.

They seem to have moved posts around and/or merged threads and I’m not very good or patient at searching for shit

I’d rather just apologize for now if you don’t think you’ve made racist comments and be sure to point them out if you do in the future

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Apology accepted.

And I appreciate your due diligence in pointing out any racist posts in this forum.

That being the case, is MrWookie in trouble for quoting an old post of mine from the “other” forum?

(I sure hope not, because I like my posts from the “other” forum being posted here !)

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You have the same screen name he’s not doxxing you

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Good point!

clown GIF


Is it too late for me to change my username to LaggytheClown?

You must have missed some of the bannings that spider and potato insisted were doxxing

Are we really going to let nomatterwho continually mock people for addiction? Surely it’s time to remove him for good?

But he was so close to not doing it again

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