I know guys, sorry, it’s seems too perfect to be real but PVN is not my sockpuppet. Dudes as corny and cringe and mediocre as this really do exist. When an ACist stops saying the n-word he has to go somewhere, I guess, and I for one am a welcoming dude.
Ignoring DrModern because that is a medical emergency anomaly, we haven’t had a ban in over 24 hrs and my erection is barely holding on to 4/5ths chub.
p.s. I would say ban @pvn but it’s my sockpuppet and thus won’t do much for blood-flow.
The same reason you’re still waiting on your account deletion requests, only an admin can handle them.
You know this, of course, but are choosing to bring it up because having your “forum enemies” ask for their accounts to be deleted isn’t enough of a victory, I guess.
It’s so not trolling it should probably be stickied. Whenever NewOnlineFriendsNeeded makes some grand proclamation about the contents of posts, everybody can be reminded he doesn’t read anything with multiple sentences and polysyllabic words and thus his input shouldn’t impede reconciliation.
But seriously Clovis, we just might be at an impasse here. I think my overnight posts do a lot of work towards reconciliation. Like NOFN says, somebody would have to read them first though.
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and genuinely ask if you think telling people they are illiterate and making references to getting banning boners is helping?
It took me like a minute to realize which post you meant. The dude said he doesn’t read my posts, assuming because they’re long and have polysyllabic words, and I repeated that.
Yes, of course I think pointing that out helps. It’s the entire root cause of all of this!
I’d hope people appreciate a little comic relief. If not, fair.
But the point I was making, yes, again, of course it helps. Under any plain reading of The Rules, that poster would get banned for making that innocuous generic joke. Which would be ridiculous.
If you were serious about any sort of reconciliation you’d offer a rebuttal/counterpoint/etc to explain why you see it differently.
(ideally you would’ve offered your reasoning up front and i’d be the one rebutting, but let’s not go nuts)
Barring that, you’re just telling people to stfu and not talk back. Which fair, you have a right to post that and have it be your ideal. It’s disrespectful and battery acids dRaMa, but that’s also fine. I don’t think you should be reprimanded or banned because nothing bad will happen due to you expressing such.