About Moderation (old original thread)


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Ok, stepping out, I respect the view that some people feel there is unfair moderation, although I mostly disagree with it. I piled on because I saw a big post and then the pedo thing and my brain flashed gaslight alert because I read it in realtime, but I don’t want to litigate it further. Fwiw, it feels like a bit of a stretch to think psychotic should be moderated as aggressively as pedo (if at all), except in cases where there is genuine mental health sensitivity. If people are casually dropping ‘you’re an alcoholic’ bombs I’d say moderators should step in, that crosses the line, but it’s relatively easy to edge around that. If there are examples of captains edging around calling people drunks and getting moderated and goofy not, then those are the types of examples that make your case.

When everybody seems to hate each other there seems to be more at stake in trying to be super precise but I don’t have an absolutely consistent metric here. I think in a heated exchange you can get to ‘psychotic’ and say generic things like ‘are you high’, but I wouldn’t say something like ‘x has been drinking again’ if I thought I had some prior knowledge about that person in that specific way; if moderators see that they should act on it.

I hope everyone is having a nice evening

What’s up AQ.

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Bitch you know how it is. Stacking paper like I stack KQ

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That’s a good episode

I thought this was “endless” :disappointed_relieved:

Moderation discussion has moved to a new thread.

Why on earth would I want you banned? I legitimately enjoy the interactions, the annoying part was Clovis and Jmakin trolling and not interacting.

All these rules (i’m gonna assume they’re roughly the same as the last time I was around) are to protect you, not me.

just read the posts in the bickering thread the link is right there!

my post starts with “lol why on earth would i want you all banned?”

Which is a clear implication that we should be or were about to be banned!

All I said was that no pedos had yet voted in the poll. And I caught a ban for it, so I’m not sure why you think the mods thought it was ok.

Lol. Your 1 week ban was reversed almost immediately after your mates came here to complain.

Edit: this is a complaint about moderation. Not Jbro.

Based on the record here I was banned for like 18 hours, and I didn’t know it was reversed for something like 3-5 days.

haven’t you already embarrassed yourself enough?

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can you buy me a new laptop and gaming chair for our Hu4Rollz match?