About Moderation (old original thread)

I was just listening to the new Tifo podcast, which was about Spurs and basically was “they’re not playing well, is that a problem or not?”

Not sure if blocked party or its always sunny is next

Ah yeah, I’ve never ever noticed the staff except when they’ve looked basically suicidal. Admittedly never been to the US ones, only Europe and French customer service is very distinct from American haha

Congrats on spending a bunch of money to do something you could have easily done for free while passing on a unique experience that lots of people enjoy.

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God, maybe it’s an Australian/European thing but the vast majority of non-UP people I’ve discussed this with don’t really get the charm (outside of time with family and their kids enjoying it). Maybe USAian ones are just better. Anyway, apologies for the segue.

lol. wait till you hear about the time my dad took me to the circus when i was 6.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Lol, you actually got a laugh out of me on this s one. I’m sorry I got so under your skin that the best you could come up with was implying that I was a pedophile. You’re usually better than this.

Anywho, sorry to disappoint, but no, I did not travel to DW before I had kids. I went once when I was 9 years old and didn’t return again until my first child was 2. My wife had to actually work really hard to convince me to go, I thought it sounded stressful and not fun, and I thought our daughter wouldn’t handle the crowds or the lines. I was wrong. My wife and I love to go on vacations and travel, but prior to kids we just went on a lot of cruises and some land vacations to Europe and the Caribbean.

I do think that a once in a while trip to Disney could be fun for adults, but probably only as part of some other trip. The huge appeal of Disney is that it keeps your very young kids occupied and entertained (in a way that other types of vacations doesn’t at that age). I highly recommend it for anyone with kids under 10.

I also recognize Jbro that you might not have the kind of relationship with your family that would cause you to understand why spending a lot of time with them in a place where they are very happy is it’s own reward. Sorry if my constant references to it hit a nerve.


This thread is embarrassing. Unless you want to complain about me or another mod then please send this thread back to dormancy.


A post was merged into an existing topic: 2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: 2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

If you come into a thread to take some shots directly after a mod asked people to stop doing that you should expect more than a day off.

What about the post this morning where I said knock it off unless you want to complain about me or another mod.

Cassette had previous posts before he randomly comes in with a blatantly personal attack. I usually just allow people to get it out of their system for a bit hoping the bullshit fades away in here. It wasn’t happening.

I’m hindsight a week was too long. I reduced it to 3 days.

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Ben Shapiro asked me to see if there’s any way he can get a reprieve from his perma ban.

He says he’s just looking for a platform – one he can stand on so he can brush his teeth over the sink.

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Tell Ben that I lifted his ban for now because there is some potential for good memes. Please ask him to lay off the personal attacks and 37 other accounts.


I have relayed this message! Thank you baby!

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i’m assuming keeeed is back as scientist, just_asking_qs, or taliban. or all three. anyone else have that feeling?

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I don’t know who the actual person is but they are all the same person.

who is ben_shapiro?