About Moderation (old original thread)

This thread is embarrassing. Unless you want to complain about me or another mod then please send this thread back to dormancy.


A post was merged into an existing topic: 2022 LC Threadā€”New Year, New Thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: 2022 LC Threadā€”New Year, New Thread

If you come into a thread to take some shots directly after a mod asked people to stop doing that you should expect more than a day off.

What about the post this morning where I said knock it off unless you want to complain about me or another mod.

Cassette had previous posts before he randomly comes in with a blatantly personal attack. I usually just allow people to get it out of their system for a bit hoping the bullshit fades away in here. It wasnā€™t happening.

Iā€™m hindsight a week was too long. I reduced it to 3 days.

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Ben Shapiro asked me to see if thereā€™s any way he can get a reprieve from his perma ban.

He says heā€™s just looking for a platform ā€“ one he can stand on so he can brush his teeth over the sink.

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Tell Ben that I lifted his ban for now because there is some potential for good memes. Please ask him to lay off the personal attacks and 37 other accounts.


I have relayed this message! Thank you baby!

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iā€™m assuming keeeed is back as scientist, just_asking_qs, or taliban. or all three. anyone else have that feeling?

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I donā€™t know who the actual person is but they are all the same person.

who is ben_shapiro?


Posters who post under different names here and on 2+2 and keep the latter a mystery should be outed donā€™t you think?

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Itā€™s obviously a gimmick like a few others we have on here. Has potential to be funny which is why I unsilenced them with a warning about attacks.

I know ā€¦ I was making another point.

except in cases of obvious trolling, derailment, or bullying, i am not sure why people need to have consistent and outted identities with 2p2

Man, I would not want other people to read all my BBV posts in 2005-2007


i only post under one name at a time, and using this one for 4 years now. iā€™ve retired my previous accounts. am i not allowed to mention anyone at all, even though they may have been known to circumvent bans and post using multiple accounts?