About Moderation (old original thread)

No not all, but if were I wouldn’t want to supply a bunch of ammo! I just think it’s fine for people to be anonymous from their 2p2 account if they want to be.


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i see, i didn’t think i took a shot a microbet history, but if you can produce a link, maybe i’ll remember. i only bothered to question if new accounts were senor’s

ok. guess it was completely unrelated to the discussion that got moved into this thread

By even engaging with this ridiculous line of attack against you, you are letting them win. Trust me when I say that nobody cares what your former screen name was, you are being trolled.


you are right.

but i’m enjoying the attention. :stuck_out_tongue: jk. not really, i don’t enjoy it.

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Just like people didn’t care what CN’s former screen name was.

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It’s pretty obvious that you made this up about JBro’s opinion of jman.


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Keed is back now?


Not anymore.

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Any new alt accounts that get made that contribute nothing but bullshit in this thread will be banned. New policy!


That just seems desperate.

I mean I would prefer that not happen from anyone. I’m not going to ban contributors to the forum because they are addicted to this thread and the drama. Banning a profile that only posts in this thread seems reasonable right?

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It should cost a $5 donation to a left wing cause to post in this thread. That is all.



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I think a lot of the recent posting here is counterproductive. If the level of discussion doesn’t improve, I propose that the thread be closed and subsequent posts ITT by all users are screened in some fashion.

I haven’t stepped in, I’m merely making proposals. To be clear, I don’t think goofy’s posts are very productive either, so I hope you will give this one-sided stuff a rest.