About Moderation (old original thread)


I donā€™t think Iā€™m on anyoneā€™s side, and I donā€™t think this type of language is helpful. Is there an active issue about moderation that is being discussed? I think someone complained about the Ben Shapiro account being banned, and that account is now unbanned. But what Iā€™m seeing now is several posters sniping at one another.

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Please tell us more about how the topic de jour, trying to goad/troll/shame voteforSocialists about his former account, was a super important and high-brow topic of conversation that the rest of us non-captains are just trying to derail and unfairly shut down.

And socialists literally had no idea what you were talking about, and you couldnā€™t be arsed to look it up. Story checks out.



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realDonaldTrump has been spamming the crap out of the Donald Trump thread. Iā€™m not saying he should be banned, but I am saying it would be appropriate if a mod would give him a stern talking to about what we consider to be good behavior. Thanks. I really appreciate it.


Iā€™ll truly never understand why this forum hates political debate so much and tries to squash it whenever possible.


Itā€™s very easy to keep track of my accounts, theyā€™re the ones that say Senor Keed on them. Thereā€™s only one of them afaik.

I guess 19 posts in two threads is Keed everywhere? Stay safe.

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@mods can you look at IP addresses and let Surf know he should stop making up evidence free lies about me?


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Iā€™m sure Lucille is not in fact a previously banned Captain posting under an alt account and is indeed a brand new poster who just happened upon our tiny forum and jumped right into About the Forums!

Is this rhetorical, or do you really not get it?

Really says something that the captains posting on this site has become indistinguishable from RAIDS, but youā€™re not wrong.

You were complaining about my return and saying I had been posting the whole time under gimmicks. The former is fine, you dislike me and are sorry to see me back, whatever. The latter is not true, and the mods can and did check that out for you. So you can sleep tight knowing there is only one senor keed account that you have to keep an eye out for.

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I assume youā€™re talking about Lucille_Ion, who is clearly a returning poster with grudges, but no clue who. It never felt like Keeed though.

Superior Sandwich?
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  • Italian Beef
  • Bastard

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This is your warning to stop these personal attacks. You donā€™t have to join and exacerbate every fight.

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Whatā€™s RonFromTucson been up to? Havenā€™t seen him around lately.

Yeah, I think RAIDS is very, very likely.