About Moderation (old original thread)

Who, exactly, am I personally attacking there? Serious question. Or do you not think that Lucille Ion is a previously banned poster and is, in fact, just a brand new poster who happened to find the forums and immediately jumped into the drama wars?

Edit: Also, I am legitimately glad to see that you are respecting the poll I started a few months ago that got rid of moderator term limits.

Your post was isn’t just about Lucille, it’s attacking all “captains.”

Goofy post was fine, but you took it to the next level and made broad personal attack.

I mean, VPNs exist, this isn’t really proof of anything. I don’t think it’s you though because that’s extremely weird to post that way.

You bring up a good point. None of it is cool.


My view was s that it’s ok to call out shitty posts or that a poster is shitty. Here though there was a discussion about one poster that jman used as jumping off point to attack a group of posters that in no way were involved in topic or discussion.

I think that’s essentially what’s been happening the last few months and the mod team’s done a great job. the only drama left at this point is the drama people want to have.

And you just lurk there, you say?


It’s funny how much the last ~3 months have proved meb right yet they’re still unfortunately not here to see the difference.


What percentage of your posts at this website would you say are unkind?

IDK, seems much simpler to just have a private site where people are vetted before being allowed to post to somehow avoid the need for mods at all. No masters either, I hear.

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Seems boring. It lacks the thrill of seeing what dumbass alt accounts people can create to bicker with people they despise on Fridays.


French Dip very nice. Don’t know what Italian Beef is.

Italian beef uses braised shredded beef instead of sliced roast beef. It is topped with spicy pickled vegetables, and it’s usually pre-soaked in broth rather than being served with a cup of broth on the side.

I’ve never been so disappointed in this forum. Find yourselves an Italian Beef please ffs.

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A+ title change.

It’s a Chicago staple. Fairly common in the northeast and midwest. I guess it may not be in the west coast but that would be shocking to me. Have you ever had giardiniera?

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Italian beef involves some kind of peppers that makes it far superior to French dip.

Giardiniera and a ton of Italian spices that bring up the flavor. You can also choose to get it fully dipped.