About Moderation

The website in question was in my profile from months ago, back when your website was still a secret. I forgot it was there, and Commonwealth clearly missed it when he edited my account several days ago and issued me a well-deserved warning. Thank you for pointing it out, I have removed it. If Commonwealth wishes to issue me a 1 day suspension for this oversight, I certainly would not argue about it.

Edit: I believe calling me a liar though is a personal attack, something that I”m sure you don’t want to engage in. My deleted post was because I legitimately had no idea what you were talking about. I suspect that if bans are in order here, both you and I deserve one.

You are continuing to personally attack me by calling me a liar when I have explained that I have not touched my profile in months, and the offending link predates Commonwealth’s previous mod action removing those references from my profile. I will now undelete the post that you called me a liar for so that you cannot twist what that post actually was. I ask that you cease these personal attacks in line with the new moderation policy.

I edited out his undertitle and missed that there was also a link in his profile. According to the logs he did not add anything back in, and I see no reason to think he’s lying. Given that it’s easy to understand @MrJbroRisen being mistaken here and @j8i3h289dn3x7 genuinely not realizing I didn’t edit it out, nobody is going to get banned. As long as you both knock it off right now.


Banning everyone for accusing others of lying would be a ridiculous but interesting way to go.

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Latest developments are just amazing.





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Not in this thread please.

Goofy stop stirring up shit out here in normie-land.


Here’s an example, in the proper thread of course. Wouldn’t want to interfere in a douchebag thread.

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No, of course you wouldn’t. Oh wait.

Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 8.23.22 AM

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According to my privately compiled data, goofballer has a warning logged. Is he not on the Exponential Punishment Plan™?


@goofyballer, @forechecker, @MaxCut, @MimosaDef

I moved a series of posts from another thread from here. All of you are now warned not to make these types of posts in other threads.

Warning people for responding with a single post is ridiculous.

You missed suzzer and rugby, btw.

The reason I’m tagging the rest of you is so are aware of my views on the type of post goofy made to kick things off.

I didn’t miss suzzer and rugby. Telling people to not make those types of posts (which is what they were doing) is perfectly fine.

You’re right, he was warned for something similar. Upped to one day silencing.

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Do you think me linking the conversation back here was more disruptive to the douchbag thread than a Michael Scott yelling no gif directed at a respondent rather than goofy’s original off-topic attack? Was it more disruptive than suzzer immediately repeating the same message to the respondent? Like I think you might have a valid argument if those were directed at goofy. They weren’t.

Do you think me linking it back here is worth a 4-day ban or whatever I’m at on the UP EPP?

I think it should be silencing for all unless permabanned. On my list to discuss with mod team.

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This is an anti-spam anti-scam feature. I suspect that your trust level hasn’t risen due to number of your posts flagged in such a short time after your account was created by different unique users who all have higher trust levels/ the fact that many of those flags were accepted by multiple unique moderators/ and the fact that you’ve caught a ban already, also in such a short time after account creation, etc. This is one of the downsides of self-banning/anonymizing and then coming back on a new account.

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