2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

The ole muckraking politics freeroll - tell your operatives to smear them and then come out and say you never endorsed that campaigning presenting yourself as a good guy while low information voters hate on your opponent. Genius!

Smear him back with non-policy personal attacks.

So, Oz is safe, right?

And we’re happy about that?

It’s still recount territory right? I don’t care who wins much, I just want them to fight more and get mad.

It is in recount territory. It could move out, but not likely.

Apparently Oz will be the easier opponent, so that’s a reason to care.

Oz moved a lot on predicit since I last posted. He was at 66. Now 80. Still seems low with the lead he’s got.

You guys talking about this Claire McCaskill?


We have plenty of what you’re looking for on tap:


I’m tired of Democrats who believe in norms like not speaking ill of the dead.

She should have said, “He must have been ready to go, because I’m pretty sure his body had ways to prevent legitimate death if he wasn’t ready for it.”


I don’t care about a witty retort. I just want Dems to sound like they hate Republicans and are glad when one dies.

Exceptions can be made for colossal pieces of shit. But in order to invoke them you need to actually think the deceased is, in fact, a colossal piece of shit. That’s the real problem.

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All Republicans are colossal pieces of shit, even the ones saying the right things about January 6.

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Well, to be fair, pretty much all politicians are. These things are contextually defined. So, what we’re really looking for is a much bigger piece of shit than the median. Akin fits the bill on that. Liz Cheney? Probably not.

Liz Cheney is still a bigger piece of shit than the worst Democrat.

I’ve got Sinema comfortably ahead.


It was a Doug Jones in Alabama type situation with her victory. There was never any machin-esque special sauce there. (Not commenting on relative horribleness of Jones v manchin as senators).
Arguments wrt reddening might soon apply to tester and tim Ryan though. I would
Imagine Missouri has been ruby red forever!

I feel like there’s an underappreciated tension between the people who hate McCaskill because she doesn’t know how to run in a red state and the people who hate her because she won’t openly proclaim that she hates Republicans and is happy when they die.

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In Florida, and Texas, undercounts appear to have cost them congressional seats too.

On the flip side, residents in eight states were overcounted during the once-a-decade head count that is used to allocate political power and federal funding. In Minnesota and Rhode Island, overcounts appear to have saved them from losing congressional seats.

Trump’s Census Bureau: undercounting red states to own the libs

