Democratic Primary Debates

I mean the Rs sound like hystericals trying to protect scumbags* when they say shit like Ds and their media are trash that will accuse anyone of being sexist if it suits their interests then the Ds and CNN prove them right by pulling that shit on Bernie fucking Sanders of all people. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t just see it with my own eyes.

*Which many of them obviously still are

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Yeah, Bernie does this way too much (ie civil rights) and it’s just not effective. 30 years ago nobody knew who he was and he wasn’t a major national figure on the front lines of any of these issues. You can’t really remind people of stuff they don’t know about to begin with.


I thijnk that’s because people like you guys didn’t care about those things back in the day.

And probably still don’t


538 has warren winning the debate, sanders losing. That shit worked. Maybe not well enough for her tho, idk.

Anybody saying stuff like this can just fuck off imo. I was diagnosed with cancer and had a stroke within the last 3 years. I haven’t been able to go back to work and don’t live in a state that expanded medicaid. The Obamacare protections for preexisting conditions, that republicans have come to the brink of repealing have been absolutely crucial for my family. I’m voting for Bernie in the primary bc of Warren’s underwhelming healthcare plan, but anybody who doesn’t see how big of a difference there is between even Biden and Trump is either poorly informed or just a bad person.


McCasket had this super hot framing take which was like “I don’t think Bernie hates women. I don’t think Bernie believes women are inferior to men.” Which, ok, cool nobody was claiming that so thanks for sharing. But she referenced “what he said” as though there’s some crystal clear audio recording of it. And just by coincidence, she (and the others digging in on this) are the most outspoken eDem shills with the almost singular talking point of “How ya gonna pay for it???”

There was another lady pitching Bernie Bro conspiracies that were just absolutely fucking ludicrous but I’d have to go back and dig through the show episodes to figure out who it was.


This whole thing is worth watching but 1:50 seconds in is something I didn’t notice last night.


I’m just telling you how ineffective it is and why he isn’t gaining more support. I was he was also but I’m skeptical the people around him know how to prepare him for these obvious gotcha questions.

He seems to be gaining lots of support.


He is gaining more support. A lot of people will do the math and decide they’ll pay more with UHC though. It’s an uphill battle for him with the top 20% or so and that demo votes. Also old people who already get Medicare and even their kids are out of college have less to gain with Bernie. Also, can a Jew win?


Less than what he had in Feb of 2019 and like 50% of what he was getting in 2016. So no, not really. Not that he’s losing a ton of support but he isn’t gaining a ton either. To be fair the only candidates who’ve really gained a ton are Warren, who’s bumb was temporary and Buttigieg who started from exactly 0.

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You display the characteristics of an idiot

Lol snowflake

When CNN realises they gone and fucked up and TheBern gains support from this they’ll try again and push more folks over…

If they attacked Warren as a rebublican she would have gained support in this crazy world…

CNN is the enemy of all :point_up_2:


Give me a break, anyone who isn’t in the top 1% is better off under Ds. I see the difference in policy, anyone can, Ds are marginally better. The question is why our two choices were a) Repeal and Go Fuck yourself dogshit, and b) you are forced by law to buy bloated, wildly overpriced health insurance/healthcare dogshit.

It’s because D politicians are blatantly looking out for themselves 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and only offer policy slightly better than Rs because the sick game they are playing dictates such. The game specifically being offering voters just enough crumbs to get people to vote D over R, but no where close to enough to stop the flow of donations and support from their corporate donors and corporate media.

No one other than Bernie has the courage to consistently just do the right thing as best they can, and offer people a real choice.


Even typing out “less than 50% of what he had in 2016” is so intellectually dishonest it’s hard to read whatever else is in that post.

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And we wonder how to attract new users


But sometimes you just gotta tell the truth instead of just pander to whatever might get you there […cough…]

It’s just a fact. He has lost support since last cycle and he isn’t polling hire than when this race started. How does that jive with him gaining a ton of support?

Prove it?

Ok, maybe I’m mistaken. What are you talking about? His favorability? (Cite?) Or how well he polls vs 1 opponent compared to how he polls vs 7 or whatever there is left?