Democratic Primary Debates

How did we miss this?


This is good analysis but beside the point. The management of this situation is just the latest instance of Warren making really bad risk:reward decisions where she seems to greatly overestimate the potential rewards and greatly underestimate the risks.

First one was obviously the Native American thing. Actually being Native American would have had zero positive impact politically. The odds were strong that her % of Native American Ancestry was going to be 5% or less best case, which means that it was more likely than not going to blow up in her face.

Second one was refusing to just tell people their taxes were going up to pay for M4A and be unapologetic about it. She also could have just motherfucked every person who asked her how she was going to pay for it and asked how they were going to pay for the existing plan which costs 1T a year more than single payer. Instead she tried to wonkishly have her cake and eat it too in a super complicated way that nobody, not even me, could follow. That SNL skit absolutely killed her on that, and I donā€™t think they were unfair at all (if anything they were pretty favorable about it).

And now we have the war with Bernie. Letā€™s say for a minute that she and Bernie have to have it out before Super Tuesday for either of them to be viable. Assuming thatā€™s true weaponizing a private conversation they had is dumb. There are better ways to go at Bernie than this. Ways that donā€™t alienate everyone who supports him. You do it by attacking him on his ridiculously pie in the sky policies and his lack of a track record of getting anything done in DC. Instead she started a food fight where no matter the actual substance she looks terrible.

Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t think Iā€™m missing anything here. This is now officially a pattern of behavior that isnā€™t getting fixed.

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Someone on Reddit compiled the text below everyone as they spoke:

Sanders:Why are you the best prepared person on this stage to be Commander in Chief?

Biden: Why are you the best prepared person on this stage to be Commander in Chief?

Sanders: Why does Sanders think the American people should trust his judgment as Commander in Chief more than Bidenā€™s?

Klobuchar: Does Klobuchar think her Senate experience is more valuable than Buttigiegā€™s military & mayoral experience?

Buttigieg: Why are you best prepared to be Commander in Chief?

Warren: Why are you best prepared to be Commander in Chief?

Steyer: Why should voters believe Steyer has the experience to be Commander in Chief when heā€™s never held elected office?

Sanders: ISIS emerged when US troops last left Iraq: how would you prevent that from happening again.

Biden: (Caption removed / No caption)

Klobuchar, Warren, Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders (one question for all): Would you leave troops in the Middle East or withdraw?

Biden: Are there circumstances when you would take military action without approval from Congress, other than an attack on the US?

Biden: The Obama administration took military action without approval by Congress; would a Biden administration be different?

Buttigieg: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren: Are there circumstances when you would take military action without approval from Congress, other than an attack on the US?

Steyer: Would a President Steyer use military force as a deterrent?

Buttigieg: Would you promise that Iran will never have a nuclear weapon, as Trump did?

Klobuchar: How would you stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon?

Biden: Would you meet with North Korea without preconditions?

Steyer: Would you meet with North Korea without preconditions?

Sanders: Why does Sanders plan to vote against a new trade deal with Mexico & Canada, which he says makes ā€œmodest improvementsā€?

Sanders: Is Sanders unwilling to compromise on a new trade deal with Mexico & Canada?

Warren: Warren supports a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada: why is Sandersā€™ opposition to it wrong?

Klobuchar: (Caption removed / No caption)

Buttigieg: Do you support the USMCA trade deal with Canada & Mexico?

Biden: Why are you the best candidate to challenge Trump on trade?

Sanders: (Caption removed / No caption)

Biden: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren: (Caption removed / No caption)

Steyer: What would you do as President to help farmers hurt by Trumpā€™s trade war with China?

Buttigieg: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren/Sanders splitscreen: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren: What did Warren think when Sanders talked to her about whether a woman could win the election?

Klobuchar: What do you say to people who think a woman canā€™t win the election?

Warren/Sanders splitscreen: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren: (Caption removed / No caption)

Biden: (Caption removed / No caption)


Sanders: Do voters deserve to see the price tag for Sandersā€™ ā€œMedicare for Allā€ plan?

Biden, Sanders wide shot: Does Sanders owe voters an explanation of how much his health care plan will cost them and the country?

Sanders/Klobuchar splitscreen: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren, Biden wide shot: (Caption removed / No caption)

Steyer: (Caption removed / No caption)

Steyer/Sanders splitscreen: (Caption removed / No caption)

Sanders: (Caption removed / No caption)

Sanders: Sandersā€™ proposals would double federal spending over a decade; how will he avoid bankrupting the country?

Klobuchar: (Caption removed / No caption)

Sanders/Klobuchar splitscreen: (No caption)

Buttigieg: Buttigiegā€™s ā€œMedicare for all who want itā€ plan forces the uninsured to enroll; is that truth in advertising?

Warren: (Caption removed / No caption)

Warren/Buttigieg splitscreen: (No caption)

Warren: (No caption)

Warren, Biden wide shot: (No caption)

Warren: (No caption)

Warren/Buttigieg splitscreen: ( No caption)

Warren/Klobuchar splitscreen: ( No caption)

Buttigieg, Klobuchar wide shot: (No caption)

Klobuchar: (No caption)

Sanders: What happens to all the health insurance industry jobs if ā€œMedicare for Allā€ is enacted?

Steyer/Sanders splitscreen: What happens to all the health insurance industry jobs if ā€œMedicare for Allā€ is enacted?

Steyer: (No caption)

Steyer, Warren wide shot: (No caption)

Biden: (No caption)

Warren: Why does Warren want the government to manufacture drugs when public trust in government is so low?

Klobuchar: Do you believe the government should be in the business of making prescription drugs?

Sanders/Klobuchar splitscreen: Do you believe the government should be in the business of making prescription drugs?

Klobuchar: Do you believe the government should be in the business of making prescription drugs?

Warren/Klobuchar splitscreen: Do you believe the government should be in the business of making prescription drugs?

Buttigieg: How will you prioritize accessing quality, affordable child care in your first 100 days in office?

Warren: (Caption removed)

Warren/Sanders splitscreen: (No caption)

Sanders: Will Sandersā€™ universal child care program be free for everyone regardless of income?

Biden, Sanders wide shot: (Caption removed)

Biden: Do you support free universal infant care?

Buttigieg: Why does Buttigieg oppose free public college for all?

Warren: (Caption removed)

Warren/Buttigieg splitscreen: (No caption)

Warren: (No caption)

Warren/Klobuchar splitscreen: (No caption)

Klobuchar: (No caption)

Steyer: As a billionaire, should Steyerā€™s children have been entitled to free public college?


Biden: Will it be harder for Biden to run against Trump if heā€™s acquitted by the Senate and claims vindication?

Klobuchar: Do you worry Trump will be emboldened by Senate acquittal?

Steyer: Will the millions Steyer spent promoting impeachment be worth it if Trump is not removed from office? Warren: Will it be a big problem for Warren to be in DC for the impeachment trial so close to the Iowa caucuses?

Buttigieg: What do you do about farms and factories that canā€™t be moved from areas at high risk of flooding?

Steyer/Buttigieg splitscreen: What do you do about farms and factories that canā€™t be moved from areas at high risk of flooding?

Steyer: Is Steyer the right messenger on climate change when he made his fortune partly by investing in coal, oil and gas?

Warren: Will you restore environmental protections rolled back by Trump in a way that canā€™t be overturned by the next President?

Klobuchar: Why hasnā€™t Klobuchar called for an all-out ban on fracking?

Sanders/Klobuchar splitscreen: Why hasnā€™t Klobuchar called for an all-out ban on fracking?

Sanders: (Caption removed)

Biden: (No caption)

Buttigieg: Why hasnā€™t Buttigieg gained support among black voters?

Sanders: Does Sanders put chances of beating Trump at risk by calling himself a ā€œDemocratic Socialistā€?

Steyer: How does Steyer convince voters heā€™s more than just his money?

Steyer/Buttigieg splitscsreen: (Caption removed)

Buttigieg: (No caption)

Klobuchar: How is Klobuchaar going to inspire Democratic voters with a message of pragmatism?

Warren: What does Warren say to voters who like her policies, but worry her positions will scare away swing voters?

Biden: Are you prepared for the insults and mud slinging the Democratic nominee may face running against Trump?


All candidates closing statement.

Taking this line in anyway whatsoever given the fact that Bernie urged Warren to run against Hillary in 2016 and that Bernie only ran in 2016 because Warren declined makes this an unbelievably dishonest move that strains credibility.

If Warren were running neck and neck w/ Bernie and/or if was a good strategic move to help her surge in the polls, it would just be typical disgusting political move. But that she is kamikazing herself to take out Bernie when he is becoming a front runner hits the trifecta of a) horrendous political instincts other than when it comes to attacking the rich, which she has displayed over and over again b) complete disregard for the progressive movement and the welfare of the country and c) an astonishing degree of cravenness and dishonesty


My father was born in one of the travel ban countries (so Trump has literally taken away his right to have relatives he loves visit) but he is so disgusted by establishment Ds that at an emotional level he is equally as disgusted by them as Trump. Something about at least w/ Trump he is incapable of hiding his many negative qualities so at least you can prepare accordingly. Establishment Ds might throw you a few more crumbs than Trump but insulting that they want the be held up as good guys when they are morally bankrupt and sell us out to the rich and powerful over and over again.

Anyway, thought my father was insane but the more I see from establishment Ds, the more I understand.


I dunno if you watch the talkshow type stuff on MSNBC/CNN, Iā€™m guessing not. But catching just a bit of it yesterday, itā€™s really hard for me to believe this whole thing isnā€™t coordinated on some level.

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hating CNN is the only thing that can unify the entire country

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I mean the Rs sound like hystericals trying to protect scumbags* when they say shit like Ds and their media are trash that will accuse anyone of being sexist if it suits their interests then the Ds and CNN prove them right by pulling that shit on Bernie fucking Sanders of all people. I wouldnā€™t believe it if I didnā€™t just see it with my own eyes.

*Which many of them obviously still are

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Yeah, Bernie does this way too much (ie civil rights) and itā€™s just not effective. 30 years ago nobody knew who he was and he wasnā€™t a major national figure on the front lines of any of these issues. You canā€™t really remind people of stuff they donā€™t know about to begin with.


I thijnk thatā€™s because people like you guys didnā€™t care about those things back in the day.

And probably still donā€™t


538 has warren winning the debate, sanders losing. That shit worked. Maybe not well enough for her tho, idk.

Anybody saying stuff like this can just fuck off imo. I was diagnosed with cancer and had a stroke within the last 3 years. I havenā€™t been able to go back to work and donā€™t live in a state that expanded medicaid. The Obamacare protections for preexisting conditions, that republicans have come to the brink of repealing have been absolutely crucial for my family. Iā€™m voting for Bernie in the primary bc of Warrenā€™s underwhelming healthcare plan, but anybody who doesnā€™t see how big of a difference there is between even Biden and Trump is either poorly informed or just a bad person.


McCasket had this super hot framing take which was like ā€œI donā€™t think Bernie hates women. I donā€™t think Bernie believes women are inferior to men.ā€ Which, ok, cool nobody was claiming that so thanks for sharing. But she referenced ā€œwhat he saidā€ as though thereā€™s some crystal clear audio recording of it. And just by coincidence, she (and the others digging in on this) are the most outspoken eDem shills with the almost singular talking point of ā€œHow ya gonna pay for it???ā€

There was another lady pitching Bernie Bro conspiracies that were just absolutely fucking ludicrous but Iā€™d have to go back and dig through the show episodes to figure out who it was.


This whole thing is worth watching but 1:50 seconds in is something I didnā€™t notice last night.


Iā€™m just telling you how ineffective it is and why he isnā€™t gaining more support. I was he was also but Iā€™m skeptical the people around him know how to prepare him for these obvious gotcha questions.

He seems to be gaining lots of support.


He is gaining more support. A lot of people will do the math and decide theyā€™ll pay more with UHC though. Itā€™s an uphill battle for him with the top 20% or so and that demo votes. Also old people who already get Medicare and even their kids are out of college have less to gain with Bernie. Also, can a Jew win?


Less than what he had in Feb of 2019 and like 50% of what he was getting in 2016. So no, not really. Not that heā€™s losing a ton of support but he isnā€™t gaining a ton either. To be fair the only candidates whoā€™ve really gained a ton are Warren, whoā€™s bumb was temporary and Buttigieg who started from exactly 0.

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You display the characteristics of an idiot

Lol snowflake