Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Is that the shitball that made the ‘legitimate rape’ comment?

The one and only. But to his credit, he really believed it. RIP.


He was a nice man.


I should feel some kind of sympathy for a fellow human being dying but if it is a legitimate hate the body has ways of shutting it down.


this moron is on MSNBC beaming the stupid into shitlib brains like 8 hours a day

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Obvious grifter is obvious. Proudly tweeting that Todd Akin was a nice man is such a flamboyant “fuck you” to women and rape victims that no person who actually believes in women’s causes would even think it let alone write it. Her net worth is allegedly >$25M, but she always filed taxes separately from her slumlord developer husband to avoid revealing that fact and all of the shady shit he’s been accused of.


Sorry forgot the Bit Moji (which he created after he murdered his brother)

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Natural immune system and/or synthetic antibodies are fine?

We jabbed a rabbit with the COVID vaccine, then sucked out its blood for antibodies we cloned, which we’re going to stick in you. It’s cool and natural, unlike the Satan juice COVID vaccine.

Totally agree that we should convert some building somewhere into a hospital for the anti-vax, pro crazy treatment crowd. Nobody will encounter any resistance there. Let’s see how it works out for them.

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You could post one per day from r/hermancainawards into perpetuity

Also, pi x radius x h = turd :poop:


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Facebook search for “prayer warriors” or “heaven gained another ‘angle’”

The Holy Trinity became a rhombus.


This is a point that comes up from time to time. For example, I have a more respect for some anti-vaxxer radio show host who spews garbage and isn’t vaxxed versus someone like Tucker who spews the same stuff but clearly is.

But they’re all horrible people, so does it really matter? A distinction without a difference, I suppose.


The unvaxxed radio host was likely would induced into his awful viewpoint since he is as a child and likely had little chance of breaking out.

Someone like tucker is significantly more evil.

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I agree. And far be it from me to stan for McCaskill, but I think that’s kind of her point (and I’m admittedly being quite charitable in my interpretation of her comment). A hypothetical candidate who said the same stuff Akin did, but knew it was wrong and only said it because he thought it was politically advantageous is probably a bigger piece of shit than someone like Akin who was force fed those beliefs at a young age and, as a result, actually believes them.

It certainly doesn’t excuse Akin in anyway. He was still a garbage human. Just slightly less of a garbage human than he otherwise might have been.

We got a nominee




Really curious what the stats are like on couples where the wife is vaxxed and the husband isn’t.