2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Wait. Does Alex Jones actually believe the crap he spreads? I just assumed it was all grift, but it seems like he might actually be looney toons.

With guys like him, those distinctions eventually start to blur. He is also allegedly an alcoholic, and that probably only scratches the surface of his substance abuse issues. His life is probably a complete dumpster fire on every level.



LAWL, this lawyer is on an absolute runner’s high of adrenaline


You work your whole life for this kind up opportunity. He’s downright giddy.

I guess you can be compelled to submit to questioning in a civil case? Jones is pretty slippery for a guy that fat, I’ll give him that, but it still doesn’t seem like a good idea to debate the opposing lawyer and the judge.

You screwed up up by not withholding relevant evidence? Malpractice requires, among other things, that the client would have won but for the error. So, you try a case inside a case, proving that Jones would have won without the error and that lying about withholding relevant information was permissible? Good luck with that.

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What does “forced treatment for dangerous drug users” mean?

“Yes, Mr. Jones hehehe indeed”

Your boy gave you up. That’s right. And we ain’t had to torture his ass neither!

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Worth pointing out that this kind of thing does not happen in court. This is a unicorn. If I watched this on a tv show I’d be like “lol, that would never happen that way.”

This jury is going to award the parents, just all the money. Like all of it. All money, everywhere.

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I would lean that way, but there is apparently at least one freak on the jury. Were some weird questions asked, I gathered from a twitter thread, about Charlie Hebdo or whatever.

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Cousin Edward, bless his heart, totally insane

His pinned tweet.


Nailed it!


Would it be wrong to watch Euphoria on my laptop on a plane ride?

Edit: aisle seat

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I wouldn’t. Especially season 2. Dicks everywhere.

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But I’m also flying from Florida, land of personal freedoms!

Haha I probably won’t though

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As long as all those dicks don’t touch, you should be fine.

(I have never seen Euphoria and have no idea how much the dicks touch)

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There is a scene in season 1 where a fat guy is jerking off right into the camera for what seemed like forever