2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

What ep? Lol

I just mostly edited photos from Pakistan instead, that might be more offensive

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Nowadays are Ubers and Lyfts and Taxis all one in the same? I was at the airport trying to get home and the uber and Lyft prices were surging like crazy because I guess there had been a lot of delayed flights getting all in at once, so of course I tried to go for a taxi and he quoted me a price way above the normal rate and I was like what, just use the meter, and he’s like I know what the Uber and Lyft prices are right now, I’ll get you home cheaper than that, and I was like uhh ok. And by cheaper than that, I mean barely cheaper than that. I just paid over $100 to get from Ohare to the burbs wtf. Which was still cheaper than the Uber price…

Do civil juries have to be unanimous in Texas?


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That whole thread is amazing


i watched all ~4 hrs, rarely a moment disappointed

what’s scheduled for today?

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Reminder of how stupid the Kavanaugh “investigation” was. Tips come in to the FBI and they’re just passed along to the WH, which was apparently calling all the shots


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guess not.

While jury trials held in district court consist of 12 jurors, jury trials in county courts, probate courts, justice of the peace, and municipal courts consist of 6 jurors. To return a valid verdict in criminal trials, jurors must reach a unanimous verdict. In civil trials, agreement of just five sixths of the jurors is sufficient to reach a valid verdict.



Yep, that’s how NY is too. The loony tunes juror isn’t going to matter.

Did suzzer fall in the Seine and float away?

But apparently lol texas.

Wait, isn’t it illegal for taxis to do that?

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I have no idea, it was the first time I’d taken a taxi in the US in a long time

It’s almost certainly illegal but wtf are ya gonna do?

Have them run the meter, stiff them and flip them the bird as you leave

The best part of coming back to America is always when you get to pay the taxi home 10x what it cost in the last country.

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Just get his prominently displayed name and license number. When he drops you off, just let it slip that you’re going to report him. I think you won’t have to wait long before the price comes down.

So Alex Jones was making $70m a year in revenue for his brain pills and all the jury awarded was $4m? He will probably make more than that from added publicity of the trial.