2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Yes I just saw the 4M figure on the bbc, seems like chump change to someone like Jones. What a joke considering the damage this prick has caused.

I don’t know how they calculated that number for compensatory damages, but I think they ought to at least cover a reasonable estimate for past and future security costs.

Over the winter my friends and I landed at Dulles (middle of nowhere northern VA, ~45 minutes from DC) during a snowstorm. Uber/Lyfts were ~$200/ea with surge pricing so the cab line was impossibly long. A couple friends got up to the front and were quoted $150 by a taxi driver–at that point they’d been waiting so long that they just took it. On one hand, driving during a snowstorm is risky and I think the cab driver should be compensated for that. On the other hand, there’s no fucking other way of getting from Dulles back to the city so it’s basically extortion.

she was a " crazy lib" and he asked if she had a “social justice now” tattoo… srsly. that was real dialogue in that dumpster of a film.

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The awfulness of US transportation is basically unbearable after being in Europe for any sustained period of time.

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But Cars = Freedom = Greatest Country On Earth. Trains are SOCIALISM!

How do Euros get from the airport to their hotels at midnight with a fuckton of luggage?

I’m genuinely curious here.

Every city has a train that takes you to the city center and most big ones also have subways that get you within a few blocks of anything.

They run at midnight?

11:38 pm seems close enough?

My city has a population of about 800k. You can get a train from the airport to the town centre (and lots of places on the way) usually hourly and there is a 24hr bus that does the same. And this is the UK where transport (like all things) has been stripped bare by the americanising influence of our current crop of Tories.

In Lisbon the subway (pardon me, the Metro) closed at 1am. So yeah you could theoretically get “stuck” at the airport at 1:05 am. But it’s not like European cities with functional transportation systems don’t have taxis. The point is that in the vast majority of normal situations you can get around without needing to take a car literally everywhere.

Just checked Munich airport (which is almost unfeasibly far by taxi) and the train runs all day except from 1am to 4:15am, apparently. There’s probably some other contingency if you arrive outside of this time.

Amsterdam drops down to hourly for a few hours before starting a lot of frequency again at like 4am.

Night and day difference from American cities, really. Except Atlanta, which is, surprisingly, about as easy as almost any Euro city to get from Airport to city center, with only like a 4 hour gap in the middle of the night.

Yeah, those are decent options in most cases. My problem is a family Melkerson problem. I pack pretty light, but the rest of the Melks do not. This makes schlepping stuff through a train station challenging. It would be easier if my kids were old enough to actually handle a bag with rollers.

In the US you need a car or taxi to get from one part if town to another, like if you need to get groceries or go to a restaurant. The contrast doesn’t really arise in a contrived scenario where you arrive at the airport at 3am with the world’s most useless and needy children, but the other 99.9% of the time it does.

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There is NYC. Train out of JFK is every 15-20 minutes from 12am-6am.

While the US certainly is a horribly dysfunctional sprawl built for cars and not people, it is nevertheless possible to get most places with mass transit. Buses do exist. Many millions of people rely on them every day.

Something being inconvenient and declasse isn’t the same as not existing.

America has health care, too, but it fucking sucks. “Existing” isn’t a good barometer for whether a public good is satisfactory.

Yeah, buses exist but they’re garbage outside of major metro areas. Massively inconvenient routes and schedules.


I used to park at work and Uber to Logan until we sold our building. So last month we parked at a train station in the suburbs and took a bus. That worked fine for the way into the airport. Coming home we just missed the bus because Logan will never figure out how to efficiently handle checked bags. The bus is supposed to come every 20 minutes. 90 minutes later it finally showed up again. A lot of fun after traveling all day. Fuck Logan it’s the worst.