2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Thefts from vehicles are down 30% compared to 2018

Property crime trends have seen the most dramatic changes in San Francisco, primarily because of the pandemic. Burglaries, which spiked starting in mid-2020, have declined this year to their pre-pandemic rates. Lofstrom says San Francisco was fairly unique among big California cities in seeing a big surge in residential burglaries, likely because many city residents left town for vacation residences or other locales where they could work remotely. Now that offices are reopening and people appear to be returning to the city, burglary rates are getting back to normal.

Motor vehicle thefts, on the other hand, remain elevated. This trend, Lofstrom pointed out, is not unique to San Francisco; cities across the country are experiencing something similar. What’s likely going on, he said, is that the value of used cars has ballooned, making the prospect of stealing a vehicle more enticing.

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I saw city warning signs and broken windows all over the city, including tourist areas. But Oreo has responded with data that suggest most crime, including non-violent petty crime, is in fact decreasing. This more directly and definitely challenges my questions/assertions, so I stand corrected.


You’ll never make it on the internet with an attitude like this. You have to double down and call everyone an asshole.


Yeah, but who are you going to believe, the MEDIA or my neighbors on Nextdoor?

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Also in communities that the police actively harass and terrorize (read: the Black community) calling the cops will often lead to the victim, well, being terrorized.

This is a big part of the reason why violent crime is so prevalent in Black communities generally (when there is no rule of law, people take matters into their own hands), and why violent crime always spikes after a high profile slaying of an unarmed black man by the police.


Media and racist Nextdoor people both push narratives that crime is happening everywhere all the time you might be next hide yo kids.

The real treasure was the assholes we screamed at along the way.

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39% of voters say their views on SF politics have become less progressive than they were in 2019, while 25% say they have become more progressive.

About two-thirds of San Francisco residents report feeling less safe than they did in 2019, with one-third feeling much less safe.

Perhaps due to their distaste for the homeless

Nearly three-fourths support the arrest of minor criminals. Most voters also approve of forced treatment for dangerous drug users (66%) and compelled shelter for homeless individuals (59%).

“Policing” is the No. 1 area voters would target for increased city spending (44%), and another 36% would fund more non-law enforcement safety measures.

I wonder what’s compelled shelter vs building housing for the homeless?

Not sure what “compelled shelter” means, but probably something like, get them the fuck off the street where I can’t see them. I think it refers to compelling people without housing to live in places like these (or I guess in involuntary settings like Surf mentions)


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I hope there’s a real silent majority that isn’t like this and to be fair not everyone on ND, but NextDoor has definitely made me feel worse about people in general.

This is not too far from me and there are a bunch of other similar projects around the LA area.

They seem pretty good to me. The people on ND hate it of course and want these things going up out at the Salton Sea (middle of the desert where it’s 120 degrees in the summer and I’m not kidding).

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Rural Oklahoma having a normal one


If there’s a rise in minority birth rates in red states over the next 10 years due to Dobbs, I suspect the conservative fervor for abortion restrictions will ebb significantly.

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You should report it



Everyday hail storm


It doesn’t matter. Much more relevant and interesting as an expected utility problem, and I suspect the answer might be that the best lotteries are basically anti- Mega Millions / Powerball super jackpots.



Alex Jones is on the stand today, and it’s not going well… for him. This is a thread, it’s a target rich environment.

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Lawyers representing families of Sandy Hook massacre victims who are suing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones said they received child pornography in documents they were sent by the Infowars founder, according to court papers filed Monday in Connecticut.

Consultants working with the lawyers discovered the images in the documents that were requested during a court hearing in April, the filing states. A lawyer representing the families immediately alerted the FBI, according to the filing.

“The FBI advised counsel that its review located numerous additional illegal images, which had apparently been sent to Infowars email address,” the filing says.