2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

An hour from me this afternoon!


Apparently headed our way for tomorrow.

That reminds me of some old local TV news prank (can’t seem to find it now) where people kept sending in pictures of increasingly bigger pieces of “hail” that the newscasters would show and comment on. “Oh wow they’re getting bigger! Astonishing!” Finally, when it got to like obvious ice cubes melted together or frost chunks people had chiseled off their freezer wall they got suspicious. The people sending those in must’ve been shitting their pants laughing

EDIT: Found it. I guess it was only a couple pictures. I prefer my memory but such is life

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My step-dad was best friends with both of the responsible parties for this one. Hearing Larry’s voice brings back a ton of memories from that era for me. They would be tarred and feathered for pulling that shit today, but Larry was THE radio personality of the 70’s and 80’s in the Seattle area, so he probably would have landed on his feet.


Honestly this is very close to an unfollow.



Get ready for 100 roofing companies knocking on your door.

The 1st amendment was a mistake


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weird, there weren’t 50 posts after this calling them racist

Super genius tech bro has cracked the code


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How many cities actually prosecute petty shop lifters and/or send them to prison? Did they screw up in San Francisco by announcing this out loud and bragging about it?

The perception that crime is up in San Francisco is either almost entirely baseless or entirely entirely baseless.

So the people who live there got tricked by the media that petty crime was up when it wasn’t? Entirely possible, but still seems like they played themselves by officially announcing that they wouldn’t prosecute petty theft instead of just doing so on the down low.

Most people believe crime is going up regardless of what is happening or what anyone does. If a narrative that the cops have given up takes hold that belief will get stronger.

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Violent crime rates have risen an average of 9% in Sacramento while falling an average of 29% in San Francisco from 2014-2021, a period that spans the tenures of DA Schubert and San Francisco’s progressive DA’s.

That’s violent crime though, right? I think the discussion is about petty crime rates going up after San Fran stopped prosecuting it. All I’ll say is that anecdotally I’ve never seen so many broken car windows, signs on cars saying stuff like “nothing of value inside”, and city street signs warning not to leave valuables in cars, as I did in San Fran recently.

Is there evidence that not prosecuting petty crime has decreased the violent crime rate? Is that the suggestion?

Pretty much.

There is some famous thing where some famous R was shown they were wrong about crime (or maybe immigration) and they just said it didn’t matter. People feel like it’s true. Yeah, this is what’s happening. It’s especially happening now, but people pretty much always feel like crime is going up in the same way they’ve been saying this generation of kids has no respect since Socrates.

It’s never been safe to leave stuff sitting in your car in the Tenderloin. When I was in Berkeley it was known as the bicycle theft capital there was one twisted wheel locked up to a parking meter on every other block. Maybe some crime is up a little after a huge lull in crime. Maybe not. There’s a lot of confirmation bias happening.

And this narrative is happening because cops are saying it and they are saying it because they are assholes who want people in prison and because they intensely hate liberals.

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A lot of this but also self-preservation. A world with less crime is one that requires fewer cops and fewer cop funding.

If the data we’re using to determine whether petty crime is down is reported incidents to police, a thing does happen where reporting small crimes to police becomes so pointless and time wasting that people just no longer report them. that happens in my neighborhood - crimes like car breakins rarely get reported because you’ll just wait 2+ hours for a disinterested asshole to show up, take down some info, and then leave and nothing ever happens.

That’s true no doubt, but another factor is that people are hardwired to respond to perceived threats. Lots of people say lots of stuff, but stuff (real or fake) that provokes a threat response will have more traction than it should.