2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

“Yes, Mr. Jones hehehe indeed”

Your boy gave you up. That’s right. And we ain’t had to torture his ass neither!

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Worth pointing out that this kind of thing does not happen in court. This is a unicorn. If I watched this on a tv show I’d be like “lol, that would never happen that way.”

This jury is going to award the parents, just all the money. Like all of it. All money, everywhere.

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I would lean that way, but there is apparently at least one freak on the jury. Were some weird questions asked, I gathered from a twitter thread, about Charlie Hebdo or whatever.

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Cousin Edward, bless his heart, totally insane

His pinned tweet.


Nailed it!


Would it be wrong to watch Euphoria on my laptop on a plane ride?

Edit: aisle seat

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I wouldn’t. Especially season 2. Dicks everywhere.

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But I’m also flying from Florida, land of personal freedoms!

Haha I probably won’t though

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As long as all those dicks don’t touch, you should be fine.

(I have never seen Euphoria and have no idea how much the dicks touch)

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There is a scene in season 1 where a fat guy is jerking off right into the camera for what seemed like forever



What ep? Lol

I just mostly edited photos from Pakistan instead, that might be more offensive

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Nowadays are Ubers and Lyfts and Taxis all one in the same? I was at the airport trying to get home and the uber and Lyft prices were surging like crazy because I guess there had been a lot of delayed flights getting all in at once, so of course I tried to go for a taxi and he quoted me a price way above the normal rate and I was like what, just use the meter, and he’s like I know what the Uber and Lyft prices are right now, I’ll get you home cheaper than that, and I was like uhh ok. And by cheaper than that, I mean barely cheaper than that. I just paid over $100 to get from Ohare to the burbs wtf. Which was still cheaper than the Uber price…

Do civil juries have to be unanimous in Texas?


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That whole thread is amazing


i watched all ~4 hrs, rarely a moment disappointed

what’s scheduled for today?

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Reminder of how stupid the Kavanaugh “investigation” was. Tips come in to the FBI and they’re just passed along to the WH, which was apparently calling all the shots


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